Saturday 2 November 2013

The Last of Uni...Again

I returned to uni this weekend for the final presentations of my postgrad course at university. I had one presentation to give on Saturday morning on a patient care plan, while my presentation on Sunday afternoon was on a clinical pharmacy service (I spoke on pharmacists being Quit Card providers). 

I was quite anxious in the lead-up to the weekend, especially regarding my patient care plan as I had only just managed to get access to patient notes a week out after a two week fight with red tape. After reviewing the notes I only realised how much more there was to this case than I first expected! I was a little overwhelmed, and didn't know what to do! 

Fortunately I managed to pull off a couple of over-nighters and come up with a care plan for this patient. I even managed some sleep the night before the presentation!

I was due to present early on the first Saturday morning. I started off a bit nervous, but pulled myself through. We had a time limit of 10 minutes, with a time penalty for every minute we spoke beyond 10 minutes 30 seconds. I had timed myself prior to the morning and my presentation was only nine minutes. I ended up speaking over time though! Yikes!

It was good to get it done early though, so I didn't have to worry for the rest of the day. I have to admit I was a bit tired though, and started dozing off a little! I was sitting at the back with one of my classmates. 

He gave his presentation a little later in the afternoon, and after his presentation he told me he saw me dozing off during his presentation and tried to change the tone of his voice! I felt really bad about that! I bought myself a coffee at the next break to keep me awake for the rest of the afternoon! We didn't finish till 5.30pm, which meant a long nine hour day at uni!

The next day were the clinical pharmacy service presentations which were a bit more interesting to me. My presentation was right at the end of the day though, so I had a long wait. I was hoping to avoid going beyond the time limit this time though.

It was eventually my turn, and I gave my presentation. I ended up speaking for longer than yesterday! Noooo!!

At least it was all finally done. No more presentations, assignments or deadlines! Now the only thing to do is wait for the results to come out in about a month's time!

While I have been telling myself throughout this year that this will be the last time I go back to uni to study, I always find myself thinking about what I should study next! I think this time I should focus on finding a job first before considering any more study. I'm glad I did extra study this year though, as I have learnt quite a bit and it has helped me refresh my memory on quite a few things. I've also met quite a few cool people in my class!

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