Saturday 16 November 2013

Fireworks go off with a Bang!

Tonight was the annual Waitakere Fireworks display at the Trusts Stadium. It almost didn't happen and was originally postponed, but fortunately it was un-postponed!

It's too expensive for us to pay to go in and watch the fireworks, but we're lucky our church is right across the road, so we can just watch them from there.

We showed up at about 8pm after dinner. We were originally tossing up between going out for dinner to celebrate Hamish's birthday (which is tomorrow), or just to eat in and celebrate it another time. We ended up staying home for dinner.

It was only once the stunt planes flew noisily over our house in formation that we started realising we should really get a move on!

As we drove to church, there were quite a few people sitting on the banks opposite the stadium ready to watch the fireworks for free. There must be a lot of cheap people like us in West Auckland!

When we got to church, the other fellowship was already there playing games. There were a few people from my own fellowship who had already shown up and joined in with them.

They were all sitting in a circle playing this game called Do You Love Your Neighbour? If you say 'yes', everyone has to swap seats, and the last person standing is stuck in the middle. If you say 'no', then only the two people beside you have to swap seats and you have to try swap seats with them without being the last person standing. Sound confusing? It was for me the first few times!

We were about to play this other game which required us to get into several teams. We were then given a few Chinese characters. Each team member would pick one character and call it out right at the same time, and the opposing team would have to guess what Chinese characters had been said and then use them to make a sentence or phrase.

We didn't get too far before the fireworks were about to start and we all rushed outside!

The fireworks started off slow and small, but they started to get bigger and bigger. Once again, car alarms were set off, and despite our car being parked at the far end of the car park, I had the beeper to turn it off every once in a while!

I'll let the photos do the talking though.

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