Friday 31 August 2012

My Choice

I like to listen to anything, from classical music, to pop, to rock, to RnB, to jazz, to K-Pop.
I like watching exciting action movies, or stupid rom-coms when I'm only half-watching it.
I like to get sucked into a suspense or a thriller, or sometimes be entertained by a horror.
I like to be entertained by cheesy Asian dramas when I have the time.
I like what I like, only because it entertains me.
Sure, people may suggest things to me and I check them out.
Sure, I may like things a lot of other people like as well.
Sure, some of my tastes may be mainstream.

I'm open to checking different things out, and trying different things. Some things I'll like, some things I won't. I don't mind if others have different tastes. It doesn't make mine wrong, nor does it make theirs wrong.

Ultimately though it is my choice, not anyone else's.

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