Friday 31 August 2012

My Choice

I like to listen to anything, from classical music, to pop, to rock, to RnB, to jazz, to K-Pop.
I like watching exciting action movies, or stupid rom-coms when I'm only half-watching it.
I like to get sucked into a suspense or a thriller, or sometimes be entertained by a horror.
I like to be entertained by cheesy Asian dramas when I have the time.
I like what I like, only because it entertains me.
Sure, people may suggest things to me and I check them out.
Sure, I may like things a lot of other people like as well.
Sure, some of my tastes may be mainstream.

I'm open to checking different things out, and trying different things. Some things I'll like, some things I won't. I don't mind if others have different tastes. It doesn't make mine wrong, nor does it make theirs wrong.

Ultimately though it is my choice, not anyone else's.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Lunch at Church

This morning I had extra responsibility at church as I had to lead children's worship. It's the first time I've led in a couple months, since I only just started going back to church in the past couple weeks (due to work), so I was a little bit rusty!

I was wearing my I <3 SG t-shirt (and before any of you ask, SG does not mean Selena Gomez! It means Singapore!) for the first time, and it's a grey colour. I discovered this is not such a great idea, especially if you end up sweating! What I also discovered was just why the t-shirt was so cheap. The heart printed on the t-shirt started peeling off already, and there was already a hole under my armpit!

Anyway, I was a little rusty leading the children, and one of my helpers didn't show up which also didn't help! Fortunately I had Amelia, who probably knows all the children's songs (and their actions) the best. She ended up leading two songs and did very well!

I was sitting with the young(er) people during the service and the combined Sunday School (the last as part of the Go4Mission series), and I was surprised at just how many of them were using their phones or i-devices! I guess that's the younger generation for you. We need to find a better way of connecting with them!

We had a shared lunch after to celebrate the end of the shared Sunday School programme. 

I really didn't feel like eating much at the time! An hour later I was starving though!

Wei, the really good artist and tai-chi master of our youth group brought along his 8-metre-long painting (EIGHT METRES!) for Aonghas to film and it was amazing! I wonder how long it took him to paint that!

After teaching violin and recorder to some of the kids at church, it was time to leave church, but my mum had gone out with some other aunties to visit someone! Tim, our youth group leader ended up staying with Hamish, Grace, Andrew and me (they were originally going to get a ride with us!), and kindly gave us a ride home!

It was sooo boring when I got home though. It's the first day of my weekend! I don't really want to go home too early because I have nothing to do! I ended up just hanging outside on my laptop with Mao Mao.

Friday 24 August 2012

My Droplet!

I finally got my droplet! Grace, who is running a Young Enterprise business called 'Wish' with two of her friends at her school, are selling these cellphone charms that have a grain of rice inside them. You can choose whatever you want to be written on it!

I bought a few of them. I couldn't decide on which design I wanted with my name on it, so I let Grace choose, and she chose well!

Don't forget to like their Facebook page, and get your own! (Just casually advertising...)

Held Back at Work

We had to wait behind at work for over half an hour after we were meant to close tonight for one patient. I was getting a little agitated because I got a text from Aonghas saying our youth group was having a combined evening. Initially I thought he meant it was with the city church's youth group! I soon realised he meant it was with the adults! That's not too bad then.

It was quite an eerrr night tonight, with me having to deal with a phone call from an irate lady complaining that she was told she didn't have to pay for her medicines since she got the subsidy card. I ended up having to explain to her the difference between fully-subsidised and partially-subsidised medicines. I put her on hold for a few minutes to check her transaction and how much she paid, and when I returned to her, she seemed to have calmed down!

I then had to deal with another phone call from a lady who claimed she only received 11 capsules instead of 21! Uh oh...Fortunately she was cool about it!

Anyway, I was glad to get out of work...eventually! By the time I got to church the combined evening was almost over. Everyone was listening to some pastor talking about missionary service.

I just casually joined in at supper time..

Tuesday 21 August 2012


My mum has been going through some old photos she found underneath the coffee table. So it turns out I used to be a model in my early days...

Not Cool!

Dancing with the Aunties

It's the first week I've had Mondays and Tuesdays off, and it has been quite boring! When most of your friends are either at school or working during the day and you've got nothing to do, all that is left to do is to plonk yourself at home, watch TV or bore yourself to sleep on Facebook! That pretty much summed up my Monday.

This morning, I thought I'd go along to church with my mum to do some dancing with some of the other aunties at our church. I got a few surprised looks since I was the only guy, but hey that's OK! As long as they don't think I'm gay!

I have to admit I don't think I'm a natural dancer. I was probably born with two left feet! It was good exercise though, with me whipping up a slight sweat afterwards! It's probably the most exercise I've done in a long time!

Saturday 18 August 2012

An Engagement Eight Years Later

Congratulations to my cousin Nadine who just got engaged to her long-time boyfriend (and now fiancé) Adam!

I only found out through Facebook but that was good enough for me! I can't wait to attend their wedding now, assuming we're invited!

Looking at the stats, the other Andersons lead the way in terms of kids with two of them having a child with their respective partners, while the Brens will lead the way in terms of marriages, with one already married, and another set to marry soon!

As for us Andersons...

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Thai'ing Things Up

Tonight my high school friends and I (the ones who are still left in Auckland!) had a bit of a reunion/dinner together for the first time in a little while since Shen is back in Auckland to visit. He moved to Singapore last year to work.

We went to a Thai restaurant in Ponsonby, creatively named 'Thai Me Up'. I was last to arrive, since I only just finished work at 6pm and my mum wanted to drive me home from Albany first before taking me there! She doesn't trust me driving!

I ended up ordering a mixed entrée which had a spring roll, won-ton and this thing on a stick. It was quite yum, although I wish there was more! 

I also ordered this dish called the...something Jack (I can't quite remember now!). It had some chicken, vegetables and sauce, and my rice came in a nice heart shape! Some of the other guys got star-shaped rice, and Sarena got her rice in the shape or a person! 

We did a lot of catching up, and Claire's fiance Daniel joined us a little later on. I had a chat with him and got to know him a bit better! I admit it didn't get off to a good start when I wrongly asked him if he was in the police force! (I think I was thinking of someone else!)

 To end the dinner, Shen asked one of the ladies working at the restaurant to take a big group photo of us, but she didn't do such a great job, so he just had to do it himself!

Tonight was actually possibly the last time we were going to see Evan...for a while as he is leaving for Thailand in a few weeks time! Hopefully he won't be gone for good though!

We all said our goodbyes outside the restaurant when some of us guys decided to head over to Momo Tea. Shrikkanth joined us and we had a drink and talked about all those good old times Rutherford. I can't believe I had forgotten a lot of those funny moments! It was good reliving them with the guys!

Hopefully we all catch up again sometime!