Saturday 16 June 2012

Late Night McMunchies

We had a very interesting discussion at youth group tonight - sex and relationships. The boys and girls were separated and had our own discussions. We discussed things like our views on sex before marriage, how far is too far, whether there is 'the one', and other questions.

I won't write what was actually said here because what is said in the group should stay in the group!

A few of us stopped by McDonald's on the way home for a quick bite though. My brothers, Grace, Ben and I met up with Wei there, and bumped into Eva and James who were just stopping by to get something to eat. We also bumped into Cleo, which was a nice surprise since we haven't seen her in a while!

It was originally meant to be a quick thing, but we ended up staying for almost an hour (half an hour after midnight) continuing the discussion we had at church! It was quite interesting, with the different setting (more relaxed setting) allowing us to talk about all sorts of other things!

It was my week to lead worship at youth group though, and usually I would get someone to play piano to accompany me, but Aonghas has been busy preparing for exams and I felt bad for asking the others. I also had in my mind that the songs would sound better with a guitar. The only problem is that..I can't play guitar! I had a go at one of our guitars at home and quickly gave up when I just couldn't hack it.

The ukulele hasn't been too difficult to play, but it just sounds too high and tinny to be taken seriously! I discovered that there is such a thing as a baritone ukulele which is a bit bigger and sounds lower, almost like a guitar! The best thing about it? It only has four strings, so it's a lot easier to play than the guitar!

I originally was going to get Aonghas to buy one for me yesterday so I could practise last night, but they said they'd have to order it in and it wouldn't arrive till this afternoon! I guess that was OK. I just had to practise the different chord positions on my small ukulele and then transfer it to the baritone ukulele after work.

Fortunately it wasn't too hard and didn't take too long to pick it up! Hopefully worship sounded OK!

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