Saturday 16 June 2012

Chopping it Off

Today after music teaching I came home to news that the neighbours were trimming the trees lining our driveway and needed our help, so my brothers went out and helped shift branches and other stuff that had fallen on the driveway.

The neighbours cut the feijoa tree back quite a bit, so much that we were afraid our dad wouldn't be happy as we wouldn't get that many feijoas next season!

We spent a few hours outside raking the leaves and putting everything into one pile ready for collection. I have to admit it's probably the most work I've done outside since I started working full-time!

While we were working, there seemed to be quite a bit more traffic coming down our road, including buses (our road isn't a bus route)! It looked as though the main road was blocked off and traffic had been diverted down our road. No wonder there was a huge queue of cars down our road!

Our driveway did look quite a lot tidier after though!

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