Sunday 15 January 2012

Switch Around

This morning we had our monthly English service. This time I was being the usher, the first time I had held this position. All I had to do was hand our programmes, so it wasn't too bad! I felt sorry for the team leading worship though, as the keyboard was playing up again and they had to sing without it! It was the second time singing without the keyboard for On, and it meant all that practising the day before for Nadine was a waste!

After cleaning up the gym side of the church yesterday, today we stacked all the chairs in the church auditorium and shifted them into the gym, for what would be our makeshift auditorium for the next few months as the other side of the church gets repaired.

It wasn't too big of a job this time around, and we were done not too long after. Some of the people in our fellowship were having some Bible study meeting, so I was just playing around on the piano with Rebecca, Ben and Andrew till my mum decided it was time to go. Sadly we left just before the group finished and went to dinner, so we didn't join them!

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