Saturday 3 December 2011

Keeping Those Eyes Wide Open

Last night our youth group had a sleepover at Karvin's old house (one of our youth group's leaders) as he's just moved houses and his house is currently empty. What a perfect opportunity to make the most of it! The sleepover was also a good occasion to farewell Jireh, even though he won't be leaving for another month.

We were late as usual, being one of the last to arrive. When we got there, the girls were doing up Rebecca's hair while the guys were hanging out together. We all hung out in the lounge with our sleeping bags in a separate bedroom while all the other rooms were bare.

 We soon had dinner and there was plenty to eat! On and Fiona, who brought their daughter Abigail with them, brought some KFC while there was plenty of noodles, salad and deep-fried chicken!

The girls all sat together in the lounge to eat while the guys sat outside on the deck. I find it funny how after all this time, the guys and girls still segregate!

After dinner we all gathered in the lounge to start the proper youth group programme, which was Bible study for this week. Jenny and Eva led worship, and I was pleasantly surprised by how many people were actually singing!

Karvin then led us in Bible study, focusing on some verses in 2nd Timothy. We followed that by splitting into groups to discuss what we had just read. Our group, led by Gabrielle had to go into a separate room.

After our discussion and prayer requests, we had our first run-through of the song our youth group will be performing at camp, 'What Can I Give to the King'. Surprisingly everyone picked it up quite fast!

We only had to have a couple run-throughs before we finished the youth group programme for the night and it was free time till the morning!

The guys got their Playstation 3 out, while a few others got together to sing along to Cleo playing on the guitar, and others played cards or talked. As for me, I had to start on my reports for my students! I was going to have my last music classes for the year the next morning and I had left my reports to the last minute! A few of the girls helped me out with coming up with comments for my students! It made me sometimes wonder what my teachers at school did when coming up with comments for their students!

I eventually finished, and the guys decided to watch a movie. They chose some basketball documentary/movie. I didn't exactly follow it closely, and ended up catching up with Eva!

Once the movie finished, Eva made us some coffee to keep us going! The girls wanted a lighter movie to watch, so 500 Days of Summer it was! While the guys played cards, a few of us watched 500 Days of Summer. The first time I tried watching this movie on the bus I almost fell asleep, and I was almost about to again but I pulled through and got to the end!

Once the movie was over, I decided it was time to plan my music lessons! I decided I'd just make them all play my version of music Bingo! I also set myself the challenge of teaching Eva how to read music by the end of the sleepover. I think I achieved that in about 10 minutes. Hopefully she hasn't forgotten by now though!

The guys returned to playing Tekken on the Playstation as the sun rose! I was surprised at how soon it was! I guess that's Daylight Saving for you.

A few people didn't make it through the night and ended up sleeping on the couch. My brothers and I had to leave early to go to music lessons though. Boy did I feel wasted for the rest of the day though!

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