Thursday 1 September 2011

Father's Day Freak-Out

So a few months ago it was agreed that it would be cool if our youth group could put on a performance for Father's Day. I suggested Jenny/Eva could be in charge of it since they did very well in putting together the Christmas play last year. The only thing was Jenny went off overseas to perform with her orchestra for a few weeks which meant she couldn't do it! 

This meant it fell back onto me to sort things out once again. Originally Jireh and I decided it'd be easier to film a short movie, but after realising Aonghas and I will be missing church a few times in the lead-up to Father's Day due to some rehearsals, it wasn't looking promising. We then came up with an idea for a short skit which wouldn't take too much time to rehearse and organise. I wrote up the script earlier this week and now all we would need to do is rehearse it tomorrow night at youth group. 

The only thing is we need people to show up or else we don't have a show! We didn't have the biggest turnout last week, so we just assigned parts to people who were there and filled the gaps with absent people. Just now though I've found out that several people won't be coming tomorrow night!

Add to that the fact that I still haven't decided which music to use for the skit, and have only sent some music I think might work to Tim (our youth group leader and piano maestro) to learn by tomorrow night...

I'm freaking out a little bit. I'm not one to give up on a project and I usually see things through, but I'm starting to think that we just might not have enough time this time. We'll have to see tonight.

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