Sunday 20 March 2011

A Brief Lantern Festival Experience

Tonight we went to the Lantern Festival, but we arrived quite late that we only had a limited amount of time to check out all the lanterns! Our parents went out and didn't come home till about 7pm, so we arrived at the Lantern Festival at about 8-9pm.

We parked quite a while away so we had to walk all the way to Albert Park!

When we got there, Princes Street was lined with food and toy stalls, and the road was packed with people! We didn't spend much time there as we went straight into the park to look at the different lanterns.

There were quite a few new lanterns this year, such as the farm animals (which also made noises!).

We were checking out some lanterns and then moved on, when we lost Aonghas! We spent quite a while looking for him and trying to ring him. It didn't help that I ran out of credit to ring him either! We were going to meet him at one point but we ended up moving to another point so it complicated things a bit.

While we were waiting beside the karaoke stage for Aonghas, we briefly met up with the minister's family before they moved on. Aonghas soon caught up with us. It turns out he caught up with an old friend!

I really wanted to sing on the karaoke stage after last doing it a few years ago, but after finding Aonghas, it seemed as though it was too late. I guess I'll have to try again next year.

We caught up with some of our church friends Andrew and Ben and watched some of the performances on the main stage, before they had to go.

Our family decided to try have a look around despite the park being really, really packed before the fireworks were lit. We visited this stand where we each had to answer a question regarding customs and what you can and can't bring into the country, and got a puzzle for answering the question correctly!

It was soon time for fireworks, and we noticed everyone sitting on the bank so we just joined them, assuming they were facing the direction in which the fireworks would be taking off. We bumped into our other church friends Antonia and her family!

We all sat together to watch the fireworks which were quite good, despite the trees slightly blocking our view!

As soon as the fireworks were over, everyone started filing out of the park, which gave us a chance to check out the lanterns a bit more easily before we left too.

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