Sunday 9 May 2010

Singing for the Mothers

Today was Mother's Day, and our youth group thought we'd make it extra special for them today!

We had our usual service, with the children performing a song for the mothers. All mothers were also asked to stand and were presented with a small present.

Our string group also performed some music as a slideshow of church members and their parents appeared on the the projector. We had only practised the music a few times, and not exactly with the slideshow, so we were quite surprised that we were able to finish in time with it! Others were amazed at how we achieved that as well! (We hadn't actually noticed till others pointed it out to us!)

After the service and Sunday School (which most of us in our youth group skipped as we had to prepare for this), it was time for our youth group to put on a show! We were going to perform 'Ting Ma Ma De Hua' by Jay Chou, which means 'Listen to mother's words' in Chinese.

There was a bit of drama before our performance was to take place, as we didn't have the right cables to connect the iPod to the PA system, and so I had to make a quick dash back home to look for one. I couldn't find one, so I ended up just returning and we had to put the microphone to some computer speakers. It wasn't the best but we had to make do with what we had.

Everyone filled the gym and took their seats. There were a bit of speeches and other presentations before our youth group came up to perform. James, Jireh, Phillip and Andrew rapped most of the verses with Jenny also leading while the rest of us joined in the for the chorus.

I also had my own little solo towards the end when I sang the chorus! I had been practising hard for it, and almost screwed up the timing as I couldn't hear the music properly and almost skipped a beat! Fortunately I was able to slow down and end it well, to heaps of cheers by surprised people!

We were a little afraid the performance would be too much for the older people to take, especially since there was a bit of rapping and everything, but it was quite well received! This is the first time our youth group has done something like this. I say it's onwards and upwards from here!

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