Monday 20 July 2009

A Slippery Experience!

On Saturday my brothers and I went out with Nadine and Winston to go ice-skating. It was supposed to be a bible class get-together, but it ended up just being an outing with the Tans and the Andersons!

We left home without the ice-skating rink address, which isn't exactly the brightest thing to do. I couldn't find it in the map either, so we ended up driving around Avondale trying to look for it. I told Aonghas I was pretty sure it was somewhere near a temple, as I had been there once before way back in year 9 or 10 for a school trip. After figuring we'd be able to get the address off the internet on one of our phones, we went searching for the address, and sure enough it was near a temple! We had spent 15 minutes driving around Avondale but that's OK!

We got there, wondering if the Tans were there yet, as they had earlier texted us telling they'd be late (like us). We decided we'd go in and wait for them there, just in case they were already there. It turns out they were!

The ice rink was quite packed, mainly with younger people. I guess it's one of the last days of the school holidays so it's understandable.

Once we got our skates on, we got onto the rink, and discovered just how hard it really is to skate! I remembered my previous experience at ice-skating and just how difficult it was, so I wasn't too shocked. I was worried about coming into contact with the blade of someone else's skates though, or falling over and doing some damage like one of my classmates did when we went skating way back then!

Winston and Nadine seemed to have gotten the hang of it, and Aonghas got used to it pretty quickly, seeing as this was his first go. I had my moments, although I wasn't too great at turning though, so would go skating straight ahead at full speed, only to start wobbling and head straight into the side of the wall!

Hamish though was not as confident, and held onto the side wall as tight as he could! We tried our best to get him used to skating. We all formed a protective shield around him and managed to travel a few metres before he wanted to grip onto the wall again! Aonghas and I also held onto his arms, and he held onto Aonghas's arms, almost cutting off the blood supply to his hands! It was like Hamish was giving birth! He did manage to make it right around the sides of the ice rink several times though (despite causing a bit of a jam a few times!). We wanted to give Hamish one of those metal rails little kids can use to help support them on the rink, but the people told Aonghas it was only for under-six year olds, and would cost money. Winston managed to grab a stray one but one of the staff members took it off him!

There were quite a few falls, collisions and injuries on the ice rink. It looked pretty dangerous! Aonghas had a near miss with a child, and got complained at by the child's father. Aonghas, not being able to stop, tried to apologise as he skated past! I managed to stay upright for a while, but then as time went on I had a few slips and falls! Fortunately I didn't get too many sores though!

Once time was up we all headed to Lynn Mall where we went to say 'hi' to Nadine and Winston's younger sister Leonie, who was still working. We had some something to eat (we even tried that blue frozen smoothie thing from McDonald's!) while waiting for her to finish work. Once she did, it was off to bowling!

That must've been one of the lowest scoring, and weirdest scoring games of bowling I've ever encountered! Aonghas, who is usually a high scoring bowler seemed to get the gutter quite a lot! Hamish threw the ball into the air a few times which was funny, but he managed to get a good score in the end. Winston ended up having the highest score, with me and Nadine tied for second. Aonghas should've outscored us, but the computer played up and gave him several extra goes which replaced his final score! Because we thought we would get unlimited goes at bowling, we each had a turn under Aonghas's name. It just happened that it recorded the worst score for Aonghas!

We finished the night off with some KFC across the road. We got one of those giant combo meal things, but when Leonie asked for some plates, all they gave us was sandwich paper! We were about to eat off the sandwich paper/table when we tried getting some cups. We ended up making makeshift bowls with the cups!

Winston had a bit of a pepsi spill but fortunately it was a near miss! I was then reminded of my water spill on Nadine in Sunday school a few weeks ago!

It was a pretty cool day out, and a good way to finish off the holidays! Maybe next time the rest of the class will come, or else we'll just have to have another Tan/Anderson outing! Maybe yumcha....

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