Monday 20 July 2009

The End of Another Chapter for my Teeth

What I thought would be the end of the story for my braces ended up only being the end of another chapter! Last Tuesday I went in to Middlemore Hospital to get my braces taken off. The dental nurse had to use something that looked like pliers to take the metal bits off my teeth. There were a couple that were cemented down hard though, and so she had to use some sort of drill thing to loosen them a bit before she pulled them off. I can tell you it hurt quite a bit! She also cleaned my teeth.
It felt so weird without braces! My teeth looked extra long, and when I moved my tongue around my teeth I couldn't find anything sharp jabbing my gums, and the front of my face felt a lot flatter! I was in Heaven!!
After the braces were all off, I had to get some photos and x-rays taken before I was asked to come back the following Thursday instead of later that afternoon. We just spent the rest of the day pointlessly driving around South Auckland (it was supposed to be a family trip!).
That Thursday afternoon the orthodontist at Middlemore Hospital glued this piece of wire along the back of my bottom teeth and gave me a plate to wear. I was to wear it for the whole time till Monday. It was just as well, as they were so uncomfortable and annoying, having to constantly remove them before eating, and then clean them and brush my teeth before putting it back in my mouth!
At least now I don't have to worry about my mouth getting sore, and I look a lot more normal! I'm now more cautious about keeping my teeth clean. I really want to get one of those teeth-whitening kits, but I might just ask the orthodontist first.
Now that my teeth are sorted, it's time to get the eyes fixed!
(I'll have a video of my orthodontic/surgical experience put together sometime soon)

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