Sunday 5 July 2009

Finally Leaving the House

After being stuck in the house for most of the first week of the holidays and doing nothing but sleeping in till 10-12 and then playing on the computer while watching daytime telly like Dr Phil and Oprah, I finally got out of the house on Wednesday!

I met up with my friend Scholastica who does 2nd yearp pharmacy. We happened to randomly meet at pharmacy interviews last year. I was one of the helpers tasked with looking after the interviewees and calming them down before and after their interview.

We agreed to meet at 2pm in the city, as we both knew we would sleep in, and it turned out we did! We caught up at Sky City Metro where I showed her some of my notes that I would lend her for next semester, before we went over to La Porchetta for lunch.

That's where we talked about stuff over pizza before heading over to uni so I could transfer some files to her and return my two library books that were overdue by a week!

Last night I had my second outing for the week - my old high school friends from Rutherford decided to have a bit of a get-together/reunion over dinner at Zaffron Restaurant, this newish restaurant in Te Atatu Peninsula. It was also a good time to catch up with Lindsey, one of our friends who had come up on holiday from Dunedin where he's currently studying.

Because youth group was on at the same time, the plan was to drop Aonghas and Hamish off at church and then go to the dinner. I'd then leave at about 9-9.30 and try make it back to church for the last part of youth group, or at least the soccer game! Because it required me to drive at night and my mum doesn't trust me driving, she took me driving along to those destinations about an hour before I had to put it into practice! At least I now knew where to go!

I was the last to arrive at the restaurant (they wouldn't be surprised!) but no one had ordered yet, so that was good! Once we did though we all just started talking about all sorts of stuff, like what we were up to, all those good times back at high school and so on. Sarena had brought her cousin from France with her so it was interesting finding out more about France. However, we didn't realise our food wouldn't arrive for another hour and a half!

We were starving by then, and after a while our food finally arrived! I ordered a (pretty expensive!) pizza but it tasted good. Estee couldn't finish hers so she gave me a slice of hers too! Score! haha nah I felt a bit bad! We also ordered dessert (strawberry cheesecake for me!), hoping it wouldn't take as long! Fortunately it didn't!

After dessert was all finished, I decided I better go before the driving curfew, and also to meet up with Hamish and Aonghas at church. I was lucky to make it just in time for the soccer game!

Tonight there was a shared dinner at church for all the helpers. Most of the people there were older people though except for Andrew, one other guy from our youth group! At least the food was good though! We heard some speeches and played a game to end the night though.

For the week ahead our youth group is holding a cooking evening for us to cook some food for the camp we're going on this Friday. I've also got a dinner at the neighbours on Sunday and hopefully catch up with a coupe friends if they've got time!

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