Tuesday 14 July 2009

Hanging/Not Hanging out with Friends!

This happened last Monday which is about a week ago, but I've been at camp for the last several days so I'll try catch up! (I'll post about camp a little later, but before I forget it all!)
I finally got to catch up with some of my other Rutherford friends, Zahir, Alex and Gwen when they invited me to bowling. I was actually only invited the night before and I only replied the next morning, which meant I had little time to prepare before they arrived to pick me up! In fact I only just got out of the shower when they arrived! I was rushing around trying to put on some clothes while Zahir was standing at the door talking to Aonghas. When I got out of the house to meet them, my hair was all over the place!
Alex drove us all to the bowling alley nearby in Lincoln and we played a couple of games. The first one wasn't too bad, with Zahir and I leading the pack despite me accidentally fouling by stepping over the line during one bowl. The second game wasn't so great, with me bowling the ball into the gutter several times! This time the girls were bowling really well and beating us!

By the time we finished our second bowling game, we decided we needed to go somewhere for lunch! Before that, we went across the road to Mitre 10 Mega so Zahir could buy something for the wheatgrass he was growing (oh so healthy!). Gwen and I just stayed in the car and chatted till Alex and Zahir got back.
We then went to Westcity for lunch. We eventually decided what to get, after having a bit of a difficult time deciding! We then agreed to go watch a movie, but once again we were going to split up. Zahir and Alex were going to go off to watch Transformers 2 while I decided to keep Gwen company and watch Ice Age 3! We went to Countdown to buy some food before Zahir and Alex had to go off to their movie. Our movie started half an hour later.
While waiting for our movie, Gwen and I wandered around the shopping mall having a look at different shops. We went into a shoe shop and checked out some boots. I saw one leaning over slightly, and thought I might try stand it upright as a favour! I nearly ended up knocking over the row of shoes as it just wouldn't stay standing! Eventually I got it to stand on its own.
As for Ice Age 3, it was a pretty good movie. I liked its soundtrack, and Syd, one of the main characters! I probably won't say anything more about the movie for fear of spoiling it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. One distraction during the movie was the little baby behind me who kept kicking me in the head! Once I knew it was a little baby I was a little more forgiving!
Gwen and I got out of the movies before Zahir and Alex, and I had to leave before they got out. It was good catching up with them though as it was a while since I had last seen them!
I had hoped to catch up with another friend who I hadn't seen in a while. We had discussed it before the holidays and were planning on catching up, but as time ran out I asked what happened and for some reason I got several different responses!
Here are Seven Reasons for Not Hanging out with Calum:
- Walking up queen st doesn't appeal [to me] anymore. We should plan something to do!
- I'm short on cash!
- I'm just not meeting up with a lot of people this holidays!
- I think by talking to you almost every night I know you and don't feel the need to catch up more often
- I hate lying to my parents and putting me through guilt
- ...and the fact that I'm lazy and don't feel like dressing up and having to wear a bra hahaha
- I just don't wanna hang
I found it funny how there were so many reasons not to catch up with me! I'm not angry or anything, and things are good between us now anyway so that's good!

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