Saturday 8 November 2008

It's all On!!!

It's about twenty minutes till voting closes and the counting starts, talk about the excitement building! The election campaign has ended and we'll soon find out who will be leading our country for the next three years.

Yesterday saw a late flurry of campaigning with candidates and helpers waving banners and making a lot of noise at various intersections and round-abouts. I caught Tau Henare at the Te Atatu South round-about, while Labour supporters had the New Lynn intersection covered. I did my part by honking my horn as I went past them, only to have my mum shout at me for nearly colliding with the middle barrier!

This morning voting booths were open at the school I teach recorder, and so I taught the kids before I went to lose my voting virginity. Boy are some of those kids getting cheeky! I had one of the girls saying to me

"You're still single! Eeeeewwwwwwwwww!!!!!"

And before the conversation went started to be about me hitting on them (which I absolutely didn't!) I decided to completely change the topic and get them playing music!

Anyway in true Election Day spirit I conducted my own poll of 6-9 year old children (with a margin of error of...I have no idea...):

Calum's Election Day Poll of 9 - 11 Year Old Children

Labour                         0
National                       1
New Zealand First      0
Maori Party                 1
Act                               0
HUH???&%                4

So according to these results the seats in parliament will be split 50/50 by the National and Maori Party. I'll report on the results and how accurate this poll turns out to be as results come to hand!

Finally after recorder lessons and the violin lesson, Hamish my mum and I finally got to voting. I went in and gave my two ticks to a certain political party and nearly put it in the wrong box but thanks to my mum who called out to me just in time I stopped myself and made my vote count!

Let's roll on the elections!!

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