Saturday 8 November 2008


Blasted exams meant I missed watching the American elections vote count and only just got out in time to hear that Obama had won! History is made and I'm stuck doing a stupid exam!

I got a week off to prepare for exams and so this time I went into uni everyday to study so I wouldn't get distracted. I don't know how much I spent on V energy drinks! It's really hard finding somewhere to study at uni as the General Library and Information Commons are so full! I also tend to get intimidated by others around me studying so intently, so I have been doing most of my study in the public library.

Actually there was one day I was on the bus thinking how great it was that I was absorbing the stuff I was reading! That was until this heavy metal guy sat across the aisle from me. His music was on so loud that he definitely wasn't the only one listening to it, the rest of us with no way to block out his sound were forced to listen to it too! Thank goodness he got off a little while later,

The distractions didn't stop that day though. I was trying to study in the public library and I happened to be close to this conference room where one woman and one man were having some sort of meeting. They didn't however realise that their room wasn't sound-proof and so they were quite loud! The man left the room for a while before returning and I was sorta looking at him. I think he must've got the clue as after that they were a lot quieter!

I've met some new people during the study period too, like this girl I randomly met in the Information Commons who seems to know everyone! I also caught up with her again a few days later in the Architecture Library which was the first time I'd ever been in there! I had no idea where it was either! We kinda whispered to each other for quite a while till we got shushed by someone (I admit it was a bit rude of us, I would hate to be trying to study around us! We really should've left the library!). I'm not too sure if I'll go there again anytime soon! haha

I had about three exams within a week starting last Saturday morning which meant I couldn't teach that morning and couldn't perform at the school's violin concert. That exam was a bit icky with all these questions on plants and sludge which I wasn't too confident on.

I admit I wasn't studying he night before that exam but instead went with my youth group to Laserforce and bowling over in North Shore. Well I needed a break!! It was the first time I had been to Laserforce and it was pretty intense for the 10-15 minutes it lasted (it felt much longer!). Our team won overall in points and I managed to score the most points, but only because I shot these targets that give you bonus points!

Bowling was quite fun too, albeit slightly frustrating! I was playing my D game and did quite badly, while Aonghas was scoring highly! The bowling alley stuffed up a few times though, like when it set the pins and a few at the back fell over. Hamish also bowled so slowly the ball didn't make it to the pins and stopped half way there in the gutter. Someone else from youth group tried bowling another ball to push that ball along, only to get her ball stuck!

We finished the night off though with a surprise car race along the motorways with our youth group leader (which we didn't expect from him, especially since he has a family and everything!). We had a guy and his younger brother in our car while the rest were in the other car. We stuck to the speed limit though...honestly!! I'm not so sure about the others though.. The funniest thing was that the boy in our car made a prayer request that following Sunday morning at children's Sunday School to

'Thank the Lord for Laserforce, bowling and the car chase at 120km per hour'

Hmm hope that's not what he told his parents!

Back to exams! My Pharmacy exam on the following Monday wasn't too bad, only that it was quite long and we only got two hours! My first three exams have all been three hours so that hasn't been too bad.

As I mentioned earlier, my Medsci exam later that week coincided with the American elections which was really disappointing! I was telling one of my pharmacy friends how we'd be missing the excitement on TV by being stuck in the exam, and she sarcastically remarked

"Yes because that's what we'd be doing if we weren't in an exam..."

Yes it would be!! That exam was slightly different with a 25 mark crossword for us to complete. Most of us flicked through the multi-choice questions and answers looking for words that would fit in! Before that exam I had been studying all morning in the public library till I could study no more by midday and decided to see how things were going on CNN on the big screen. I was sitting there when this guy came and sat next to me and started to ask me where I was from. He then went on to tell me how he was half Samoan and half Chinese and couldn't get a job and so he'd be voting Labour (don't use this against me people!!).

Anyway I have one last exam this Thursday - Chemistry, which is quite difficult, so I better get started studying!

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