Friday 14 November 2008

The End of Another Year at Uni

I had an eight day gap between my last exam and yesterday's exam, so I ended up taking the first day off and just do nothing. The next day my mum got me to go shopping with her and so I didn't do anything for another day. The third day was Election Day of course!! I did a little studying on Saturday and Sunday but finally got started on Monday!

I can only really seem to study when I'm away from the house because of the TV, the internet and the fact that we don't have clear tables at home!

So for the past week I've been at uni drinking V (an energy drink) and studying as much as possible for the dreaded CHEM230 exam.

On Tuesday I caught up with Young-Bin and Eliza, two first year friends and went for lunch with them (which was just popcorn for me...I was being cheap that day!) when Jennifer (a friend from church) came by with her friends and noticed it was her high school friend (Eliza), science camp friend (Young-Bin) and church friend (Calum) all hanging out together! She had just finished her engineering exam and went off shortly after.

After that lunch though we went back to studying and thanks to them two I managed to get a seat at the Information Commons which is really full during exam period!

We also had dinner later in the evening with a couple of Eliza's orchestra friends who were pretty cool and entertaining! So we managed to fit in a bit of fun even amongst the study!

On Wednesday, the day before the exam, I had no popcorn but I bought one of those large 500mL cans of V and drank that for most of the day and I have to admit V has definitely been keeping me awake! I think it was a bit too much for me that day though. Towards the end of the night my mind was all over the place! I also happened to miss the 9.30pm bus that night and so had to endure sitting at the bus stop for an hour till the next bus came! That night I had all these dreams of chemical reactions and their reagents, none of which I think were entirely correct, but then again I can't even remember!

The chemistry exam was teeeerrrrible! It was really bad! Even the last stuff I covered didn't even fit in with what the questions were asking! Many of us pharmacy students came out of it not feeling too great about it, but then again some were not feeling too great about it because they thought they were going to lose ONE mark!!

I went to the toilet during the exam, and went into one of the cubicles. I could hear someone flicking through pages in the cubicle right next to me though! I was thinking maybe someone was doing a little bit of cheating...but when I came out the exam man was standing there waiting for me! I didn't realise he would come into the toilet with me!

Anyway the feeling of no more exams felt great, despite the possibility that we might have just failed! We all collected our pharmacy t-shirts from our class-rep Daniel and then a few of us wandered around looking for lunch. We ended up in a nearby Japanese restaurant where half of us had rice, the other had noodles and some others just had dumplings and octopus balls I think?

There was supposed to be a pharmacy picnic at a park near Grafton which we were planning on attending, but in the end we couldn't be bothered. The girls who were with us wanted to just Facebook (if you can use it as a verb!) and so us guys, with nothing better to do, went to play a bit of Foosball.

And that caps off another semester and another year at uni!

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