Tuesday 7 October 2008

Formal Dinner Fun

The pharmacy Formal Dinner was held on Saturday night at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, a place I've become familiar to after having attended three school balls there, accordion scholarship evenings and a few other events!

Even though I spent $50 on a ticket I wasn't even sure I was going to go as late as Saturday as I didn't even have transport! In the end I had to catch the bus...in a suit...That felt really weird, but I suppose it wasn't too bad since there weren't that many people on the bus. I was wearing the suit I had bought earlier in the morning. My brothers and I each bought a suit at this outlet store one of our relatives (or soon-to-be I suppose) works at as they were on discount!

My bus came late so I ended up sitting at a bus stop beside the main street for at least ten minutes, in my suit of course..The bus ride on the Ritchies bus wasn't too bad, and in fact impressed me! They actually had background music playing in the bus! Classy!

When I got to the hotel I thought I'd be late but everyone was still standing around in the foyer. One guy was dressed in a panda costume! Eventually we made it into the main hall. Everyone found a seat to sit at. My friends and I were trying to look for one, and after they managed to find seats at separate tables, I was still left with no seat! I found some other pharmacy girls who had no seat and joined them in looking for a table to sit at. I caught up with Eliza, the only first year to be at the dinner! She deserves an award just for that!! Eventually we were left standing in the corner waiting for someone to find a table for us. We ended up sitting at the sponsors' table since they didn't show up. That was a little awkward, especially sitting at a table with people you're not too close with and when the people beside you are busy texting it doesn't really make a good atmosphere for conversation-making!

Anyway dinner was all right. It was buffet. I had seconds for dessert as that was really nice! There was cheesecake and lychee!!

The formal part of the dinner got under way with the speeches and awards. Ravit got ladies' man award in our year while Ahmed and Richard got most likely to form a scooter gang award. Congratulations to Mimi for being elected Vice-President of the Pharmacy Students Association and Ahmed and Richard for Sports Reps as well!!

I managed to make my way over to the tables where most of the second years were sitting at and did some photo-taking before we all made our way to the dancefloor for the last part of the evening which was a lot more fun! Michael was most definitely the dancing king (if you could call him that!) with his slick moves! Me...I was just shuffling and trying to dance!

Towards the end of the night I took my glasses off and put them in my pocket as they were quiet loose and I didn't want to drop them. Once the night was over I reached for them but couldn't find them! Since I couldn't see the ground (bad eyesight+not much light!) I tried asking a few others if they could help me find them but no one could find my glasses, so I was about to give up on them. Aonghas and my dad came to pick me up and my dad sent Aonghas and I to look for them one more time. We still couldn't find them and the staff who were cleaning the room said they hadn't seen any glasses. We were about to leave when Judy, one of the APSA execs came running to catch up with me and handed me my glasses! Someone had found them! Yay!!! To be honest I wouldn't have minded getting a new pair of glasses but hey this way I don't have to spend extra money now!

So it was a good and happy end to the night!

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