Sunday 12 October 2008

A Brief Appearance

I may be trying to study, but it ain't working too well!

Anyway the boys who hover around the Sky City bus stop asking for donations towards their sports academy's trip to Sydney finally approached me earlier this week. Since I had been thinking earlier this year that if they ever asked me I'd give them some money, I thought I better live up to my word, or my thought on this occasion. I ended up giving them $5 since I had a $5 note in my wallet. Finally I have made a donation! I admit there are many more worthy causes out there, but they'll just have to approach me first! (Don't think of that as an invitation though! haha) There was one guy who was busking on Queen St, playing his guitar and singing 'Grow Old with You' (from the Wedding Singer) which was really nice! I would've given him some money but I was in a bit of a hurry and didn't have my wallet on me at the time.

I was rushing to get back to uni after buying a birthday present for a girl in record time! I think I'm getting better! OK I admit I had a little bit of help...

It was Jacqueline's birthday on Thursday and she had organised a little get-together for some of her friends at Mission Bay. I wasn't too sure if I was going as late as that morning as I wasn't too sure if anyone I knew would be going, and whether the weather would even be good! Fortunately I found out my other friend Sarena was going and she offered to give me a ride which saved me from having to catch the bus. She was coming in twenty minutes to pick me up and so with still no birthday present for Jacqueline I rushed down to the shopping centre and started looking around. Teddy bears and chocolate were sorta ruled out early since I bought her those last year. I was wandering around looking for something when I came across the jewelery and perfume stand! The jewelery was slightly out of my price range, but there was some perfume! I asked the lady at the stand if some perfume I was looking at was good but after telling her the age of my friend she showed me some other perfume, telling me the other perfume was aimed more at older women! So I trusted the perfume lady and she helped make the decision for me!

I power-walked all the way back to uni just in time for Sarena to pick me up and we headed off to Mission Bay. We got there and wandered around looking for Jacqueline before deciding to just sit beside the fountain. Sarena had to leave by 1.30pm to get back to uni in time for her class and I was going back with her, and so we were hoping Jacqueline would get there soon. I texted her asking where she was. When she didn't reply to me after several minutes, Sarena tried texting her, and we said to each other this would determine who Jacqueline loves the most! Well it only took a few minutes before Sarena got a reply! No fair!

We caught up with a few of Jacqueline's friends who Sarena recognised and we waited outside the Fishpot Cafe for Jacqueline. She finally turned up half an hour later! I packed a little sad when she tried giving me a hug (as a joke!!) but I forgave her! Even after Jacqueline turned up we still had to wait for her other friends! Larry, Sarena and I decided to order first since we had to leave early and we ate before the others.

We soon had to leave just as the others were about to order and as Sarena was pulling out of the carpark Ben, another ex-Rutherford guy came out of nowhere asking us where everyone was!

I went to Sarena's psycholagy lecture when we got back to uni because it sounded like it'd be interesting, and it actually was! We learnt about social stereotyping! Sometimes I wish I was studying psychology!

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