Thursday 25 September 2008

Making Interesting Things

This week has been a bit of a tricky week. With two assignments due next week, I admit I've been skipping a few classes to work on them! After a couple days of planning to bring my laptop to uni, only to decide against it because of the weather and then realise the weather wasn't bad afterall, I finally managed to bring it to uni yesterday and today.

We had a bit of a cool pharmacy lab on Tuesday when we made suppositories - sorta like a pill you put up your rectum and leave to melt for those of you who don't know what one is! Fortunately I wasn't assessed that day, but then again maybe it would've been better to have been assessed so I wouldn't have to worry about being assessed next week or the week after!

Later that day I had to go see one of the university doctors to talk about my dilemma regarding my surgery being three days before my scheduled exam. Initially she said I'd have to apply for aegrotat and there'd be no way I'd be able to sit the exam as it was unlikely I'd be allowed to sit the exam under special conditions i.e. earlier or later than the exam date. After asking (in a pleading sort of way because I didn't want to trust my mid-term results which they would base my overall grade on - and rightfully so, since I did badly in the test!!), she contacted the exams office and they suggested I fill out an application. It's going to cost me $100 to apply to sit the test under 'special conditions' and $25 for aegrotat. Boy is that expensive!

I've also been assigned a pharmacy for my community pharmacy externship, and it's located in...drumroll please...Ranui!!! It's this suburb in West Auckland which....hhhmmmmmmm mmmmm....OK it's down Swanson Road so it's not too bad I guess. I'll have to contact the pharmacist sometime to arrange the time I have to spend a full working day there.

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