Monday 22 September 2008

Emos, Tests and Races

I've finally motivated myself to post again while watching the Emmy's on TV, and no the Emmy's didn't drive me to post, I just thought it was about time to post! After spending several weeks pondering, I finally brought myself around to buying a laptop. I ended up going for something different and getting an HP tablet. It's smaller than my last laptop so hopefully I'll be able to carry it to uni! I've been looking for a case for it, and bought this Sony Vaio case at this laptop shop today (only because it was cheap, nothing to do with the brand!), but it turned out to be too small! We'll just have to use it as a folder...

So since the last time I posed:
-my youth group went into the city to listen to this American guy Paul speak at this church down Queen St. We had dinner prior to the event at Sky City Metro, and afterwards while waiting for the last few to leave, we were waiting outside on the steps near some emos when one girl joined our group. Her friend called out to her

"Hey don't talk to them! They're not from our country!"

I told the girl that we were from this country and she could talk to us, so she started going on about how she went out with a bear (the animal not the drink!) until he took a swipe at her and she dumped him. Her friend asked me for money and I told her I wasn't sure if I had any from her country ;) She apologised and said she was drunk, so I gave her a few know...just trying to share a bit of love to the emos. I talked to that other girl again and after sorta half-jokingly making some encouraging comments regarding her 'relationship' with the bear, she gave me a hug! So I got a hug from a drunk racist emo that night!

As for the speech by the American guy...I think it was was actually the following Sunday when he came to our church to speak which I found was pretty good because I actually listened! We also had a Moon Festival banquet at church that day as well which was cool. I spent most of the time talking to this girl at church Jennifer, possibly one of a couple others who are my age at church! That was till Gabrielle my youth group leader came over with this new girl to the church Eva, who was learning English at AUT, so she got me to try speak Cantonese to her while she'd speak English to me. I don't think that worked too well on my part!


We finally had the Dessert Club's Amazing Race event on the Saturday before that banquet at church. I turned up slightly late because I had to teach in the morning. When I got there though I was thrown straight into it where I had to help out at the IS2 challenge - where teams had to make a snow ice (IS2 is this snow ice shop) and then eat it in under two minutes. Sadly two minutes was a bit too long to give them!

As soon as all the teams had completed that challenge I went over to the final checkpoint at one of the club's sponsors' shops where teams had 30s to memorise the prices before we tested them. One mistake would give them a five minute penalty! After that the race was on to the uni quad where the finish line was! I got there and had to go print off the winning teams' certificates and came across my accordion rival (oh and don't get me wrong a good friend too!) Jessica! It was probably the first time I had seen her since the accordion competitions in June, and it turns out she has changed accordion teachers! And we thought she had quit! Damn!! (I'm joking I'm joking! She would be a great loss to the accordion-playing society!).


I had two tests in one day last Tuesday, which was horrible. What made it worse was I had a three hour pharmacy lab before my first chemistry test! I was quite off the pace in my pharmacy lab, measuring incorrect amounts and wrong ingredients!! Fortunately we weren't being marked!

The chemistry test was pretty bad! I completely forgot my phone was in my pocket with the sound turned ON, when right at the beginning of the test it went off! Fortunately I don't think they noticed or worked out where that sound came from, and so I just hoped throughout my test that no one would text me again one did...

The medsci test later that night was a little better but we'll see...I forgot my bag in the room and didn't realise till I got home! The test was really weird as usually they collect your test paper as soon as the test finishes, but this time the invigilators went to the door and collected the papers as we left the lecture theatre which meant we could change our answers while getting our bags if they didn't catch us! I noticed that one of my answers was wrong, and while I was tempted to change it, I was a little chicken to, so I at least know now that I've at least got one wrong!


The emmys are making me tired so maybe I'll save what I did in the last few days for tomorrow...Ahh yes procrastination time, just like with my two assignments!

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