Friday 12 September 2008

And a Date Has been Set!

Yes yes 8th November has been announced as the date of the election, but for me the big date is the 10th November - the date of my surgery! I went in for my orthodontist appointment at the hospital yesterday and found out that it's less than two months till my surgery! I've been on the waiting list since I was about 9 or 10 years old and finally it's going to happen!

There is a bit of a problem though, which is that my last exam is on the 13th. I'm not too sure what I'm going to do about it and whether I'll be out of hospital or in the right state to sit that exam! I'll have to sort that out with the exams office, hopefully I won't forfeit the exam or anything but if it turns out I can't sit the exam earlier, and they have to look at my coursework to determine my overall grade then I'll have to make sure I do well in the midterm coming up!

I originally planned on doing a whole lot of intensive study this week but I've had all these going on! On Wednesday I had to go in to the city to help out a few of the other Dessert Club committee members with sorting out some gift packs for teams who compete in our upcoming Amazing Race competition tomorrow. We then had to go round to sponsors to talk to them and ask if they wanted to get involved. Most of their managers weren't in so I had to leave my contact details for them to get back to me, but only one sponsor rang back! I tried ringing a couple of sponsors back today, but one of them fobbed me off to head office which meant I had to ring someone else and then email someone else to finally get confirmation of their participation! The other sponsor I contacted told me I'd have to ring back tomorrow and then when I told them it'd be a bit late they hung up on me abruptly! I've been getting a lot of people hanging up on me abruptly lately!

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