Monday 8 September 2008

Biff and Bo

Turning activities into competitions is sometimes not such a good idea when little kids are involved! On Saturday music classes the kids were pushing me for a game, and so I came up with music bingo! It went well with one of my first year classes, the one with the Korean students who are really good! When it came to the next class where there's a bit of tension between one of the boys and one of the girls, it wasn't so good. The girl won (although I do admit I screwed the game up slightly!) and then she started skiting about it. The boy looked pretty sad and was almost in tears, so I quickly tried to come up with another game to get their minds off that last one and to hopefully even things up...that's if the boy won, which he did! I told them the tie-breaker would be next week, but I'm sure they'll forget about it by then! There was certainly a bit of argy-bargy between them which made me uncomfortable as I had to try split them up!

Yesterday at church we had a special Father's Day service, which meant no Sunday School! Whether you think I'm happy or sad, I'll leave that up to you. We came late so we had to sit and watch from the foyer, which wasn't such a bad thing. I was sitting with some of the guys from youth group which also wasn't such a bad thing. The two other churches which are related to ours (sorta like sister/brother churches) from the city and Howick were combined with ours as well, so it was pretty full.

My pharmacy friend Hannah sang together with her youth group and she announced her group's pieces! I was telling my mum I knew that girl!! haha She was telling me that she thought the girl who was leading the singing at the beginning of the service studied pharmacy too and was the older sister of some guy who was born on exactly the same day as me (right next to my mum at hospital I think). It turns out she was right about the girl studying pharmacy! She's also one of the Pharmacy Students Association execs, possibly the one I injured during a soccer game at pharmacy camp! I'm not sure if the brother part is right yet though.

Usually they have baptism services when the other churches come along. Yesterday they needed emergency hot water since the water in the 'bath tub' (what I like to call it!) on stage was frfrfrfreezing!

After the service they served....pies for lunch!! Yay!! It's been a long time since they last served pies! I had a good talk with this girl in my Sunday School Jennifer's mum, who's also one of our Sunday School tutors. She told me about how she was a little worried for me as she thought it always seemed as though I was studying something I wasn't really enjoying. It's nice to know someone out there cares about you once in a while!

And finally, my studying went into fifth gear today when I went to the public library to study. That lasted for several hours...till all the high school students came along and made heaps of noise with their talking and their music playing! That's when I decided I had done enough study and decided to call it a day!

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