Thursday 21 June 2007

What a Pain!

It has been a while since I last posted on my lack of understanding of the female human species, but here is one that has me completely confused and clueless.

I was chatting to a friend asking how she was doing when she told me she was upset. I asked if I could guess why she was upset, and managed to guess right (based on what I had heard around the place and from piecing things together). She quizzed me on how I knew and I told her I knew very little, having only put things together. She told me she needed to be alone and so I left her. A week later I tried chatting to her to see how she was feeling and she told me to go with what I hear.

So I'm guessing I got my friend angry at me for either hearing things about her or guessing why she is upset. I have no idea. If only I had that power Mel Gibson has in What Women Want, then I'd be able to hear what girls are thinking which, despite an invasion of privacy, would be pretty cool! It probably won't work over the internet though...


On Tuesday morning I woke up especially early just to get all the way to Middlemore Hospital for my orthodontist appointment. I'm supposed to have a check-up every six weeks but because my dentist didn't give me an appointment card at the end of my last appointment in...March...I haven't been to an appointment since! So after about twelve weeks I finally had my next appointment!

They went through the routine of tightening my braces (which they said should hurt more than usual because of the longer time between two appointments) before letting me know roughly when I will go in for surgery - around the 12th November, so prior to that date I will be sure to get around to talk to all of you before my surgery just in case the worst happens!

My teeth haven't been hurting as much as the dentist said it would which is a good thing because tomorrow I might be meeting up with my long-time friend Diane (who's going down to Palmerston North if she gets into vet school!! :'( ) for our day of fun!! We're also having a birthday party for my dad at my cousin's place on Saturday which will require a lot of munching!

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