Friday 15 June 2007


I've been procrastinating too much ever since holidays started yesterday but I've finally gotten around to posting! I had two exams at the beginning of the week, Population Health: Health Systems 1 on Monday and Biosci on Tuesday.

I had to wake up extra early (or so I thought) on Monday to catch the bus into the city so I could catch the uni bus over to Tamaki where my exam was to be held. I got off the bus only to find it was only 7.20am! I saw Heather about to cross the road so I quickly joined her. She was going to grab a latte, so I thought I might as well get one, since well it might be the last thing I ever do with Heather before she goes down to Christchurch!

I was a 'noob' at Latte drinking. I discovered the 'take-away' container people drink coffee from! It's the cup with a plastic lid and a hole in in! That was pretty cool drinking latte like one of those rich people, except for the burning my tongue part...

We got to the bus stop outside the uni library where I caught up with a few of my other uni friends only to find out the bus timetable had changed for the duration of the exam period! Buses would be leaving later!! I stood there at the bus stop trying to study with my friends before deciding to go off to the toilet to blow my nose before the bus arrived. Stupid me put all my notes under my arm as I blowed my nose and then flushed the toilet...I dropped my notes in the toilet! :S Fortunately they didn't get wet and I was still able to retrieve them!

The population healh exam wasn't too bad, especially the paragraph and one page answers! I was surprised at how much I could stretch one slide on improving the NZ health system by writing a whole page about it!

I missed the bus back to the city from Tamaki so I had to wait an hour. I got my assignment back, which was full of

Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference

Hmmm...I think I need to reference more...

After spending an hour with Alice at some 50% off Whitcoulls sale, I caught up with Heather, Jacqueline, Connie (or is it Konnie/Konny? Anyway...) and my mum at the Town Hall to support the Rutherford College choir. They were first to perform. They did pretty well, and their choir was a reasonable size! There were only three West Auckland schools at the competition - Massey, Henderson and Rutherford. Rutherford was probably the more serious of the three with the other two opting for light-hearted performances. The four of us ex-Rutherfordians decided to give Rutherford a wild standing ovation at the end of their performance. For some time no other school could match the crowd applause that Rutherford got from us! :D OK I'm over exaggerating. Auckland Grammar got great applause after their amusing rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody.

I caught up with Issac the Head Boy of Henderson High, who used to go to my primary school, and Sam the deputy Head Boy of Massey who used to go to Rangeview! It was funny when Sam first recognised Aonghas but told him he forgot his name, but then managed to remember mine!

The next day I got into the city early in the morning to study Biosci at the General Library. A table facing a window in which you can see everyone walk by isn't the best place to study at! Despite this I just kept on studying right up till 1.30pm, just under an hour before my exam. Biosci is my worst subject, or the subject I've devoted the least amount of time to, so I didn't go into this exam too confidently!

In fact the exam was terrible! Oh well we'll just have to see how it goes! After the exam I went off to buy some fries to make myself feel better (not very good taking comfort in food...well it was more a way of celebrating exams all being over!) I then set off looking for the right bus stop to catch the bus to Diocesan (no not to perve at girls but to watch my brother debate in the octofinals!). I saw one bus go past down Queen St. I think that was the one I was supposed to catch! So I sat there at the bus stop, eating my lunch, when another bus whizzed by! After walking up and down Queen St till I found the bus stop (which turned out to be the one really close to uni that I had walked past earlier!) and caught the bus.

The next problem - getting off at the right stop! I had some idea of where to get off at, which would be somewhere around Dilworth School. I got off opposite this school only to cross the road and find out it was...Epsom Girls Grammar School! I walked up and down a few streets around Epsom till I found myself at the University of Auckland Epsom Campus which was definitely NOT where I was supposed to be! With the occasional glance behind I strolled along a few more dark roads until I made it back to the main street and saw a bus stop with one of those electric bus schedules saying the next bus back into town was DUE. Guess what? It was the bus waiting at the nearby intersection, which had just given it a green light! I was about to run across the main street while dodging cars if it weren't for a police car that turned the corner! So I had to wait another few more minutes for the next bus into the city.

Now I can officially say I'm on holiday!!! My main task for the holiday will be to determine what I should do next semester, whether I will continue with Health Science, or change to something else...only problem is what else?

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