Sunday 10 June 2007

Typical Screw-up

I'm currently half-way through my exams, having sat two with two more to go. Current assessment: OK...till chemistry exam on Friday!

My first exam on Thursday was population health. I was a little worried prior to it that I wasn't well prepared. I only had three days to study for two exams because of the disastrous accordion competitions. Since my exam started at 9.15am in the morning I had to wake up early once again just to get to the city in time (a bit hard after a week off from waking up early!). My exam was to be held in a lecture theatre in the Biology building, which I've never been in before. I managed to get through the exam within the first hour and a half, which allowed me some time to go to the toilet!

I have a bit of a cold so lately I've been blowing and blowing and blowing my nose. I've used up one box of tissues at home and filled up the rubbish bin! I was a bit afraid of how I was going to get through three hours without blowing my nose! Well...I didn't manage to. I was crying through my nose and to save the two people beside me from further distraction I asked the exam person if I could go to the toilet. Next was figuring out how to get out of my seat! I was blocked off from the aisle by some guy, and so the exam supervisor asked me to climb over the table! That was a bit weird, especially in an awfully quiet room!

After that exam I went and bought myself a cup of fries, as you do, just to de-stress myself before I hit the books to study for chemistry. When I got to the university library I couldn't find a spot to study! I ended up having to go study in the public library. Because I was sharing a table with three other people, it helped me stay awake which I suppose is a good thing. The Korean guy opposite me didn't have such luck though.

The next morning, the same routine. Wake up early, shower, catch the bus, go into the city. I had a bit of time before the exam to do some last minute revision for chemistry before having to head off to the Old Government House for my exam. I've never been in that building before either. That's one of the great things about exams. You get to check out lecture theatres you never knew existed!

The exam wasn't too bad to begin with. Chemistry has been probably the subject in which I've had the best shot at getting something around A in, but after the coming events I highly doubt that will happen! I managed to get through the paper within the first two hours, so I had some time to climb over the table to head off to the toilet for my usual mid-exam blow (of the nose) before coming back to spend the last hour checking and rechecking my paper and solving the more difficult questions. We were down to the last three minutes of the exam. I thought I was nearly all sussed, when I flicked the last page to reveal...another page I hadn't seen before!!! In a state of panic I quickly tried to fill in the answers as quickly as possible until the exam supervisor told us to put our pens down. There goes five marks!!! That really got me down afterwards, realising I had lost marks unnecessarily because of a stupid mistake! Trust Calum to do something like that!

So I've got two more exams to go. I've kinda lost a bit of motivation, although I'm going to try at least get through them, and then reconsider my future!


What's the deal with 3News reporting on people complaining about the excessive cleavage on their 'hot new game show' Deal or No Deal? Their news is increasingly being used as a promotional tool, either to bag TVNZ whenever they have the chance to (oh and yes TVNZ do that too) or to try draw attention and create publicity for their TV programme? There are probably more important issues regarding the show than cleavage, such as why the show drags on for an hour, why Jeremy C. is the host, what is up with the phone call (I thought it was a phone somewhere in the room when it went off during the show!)... Nowhere near as exciting as the Aussie Deal or No Deal. Then again I hardly watch it unless my mum steals the remote at 5pm.


Three cheers for the judge who had the balls to send Paris Hilton back to jail to serve out the rest of her sentence!...or till the next time she's released!

And to end with an advert:

Anyone else who is other half-less on Bebo, I am now other half-less as well after my unexplained shafting by my ex-other half! So if you need an other half on Bebo, you know where to go!  

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