Monday 3 June 2013

Who's Got the X-Factor?

Tonight Hamish and I went along to the filming of the X-Factor Elimination Show at the movie studios in Henderson. After getting tickets for three weeks in a row, this was the first time I was actually able to attend!

We all had to line up outside, so we were surrounded by all these nicely-dressed teens! I bumped into Bettina, an old KiwiAsian Club friend, who was lining up behind us with her friends, and Kelvin, my old high school friend who was working as an ambulance officer for the night.

We finally got inside and they had segmented part of the giant building into a smaller area which they turned into an 'X-Factor' studio. At the back was scaffolded seating. That was all taken up by the time we got in. At the front was the stage, and on either side were the standing-only moshpits.

That's where we ended up. We were surrounded by all these young little people who were obsessed with Moorhouse. I'm sorry but I'm a Gap5 fan!

The show was to be broadcast at 8pm and we were there quite early, as they had to film a couple performances in advance. Tonight Stan Walker and Joseph and Maia (some new up-and-coming NZ duo) were to perform. Stan Walker was first.

We had to watch him perform twice, as the first time he performed we weren't into it enough! The same thing happened with Joseph and Maia. I've never heard of Joseph and Maia before, but I have to admit the song was quite catchy.

Once the performances were over, they had to film some segments, such as the opening of the opening of the show when the judges walk in, as well as a few other things. Guy Williams, that comedian from Jono and Ben at Ten was the crowd-warmer and provided the entertainment in between.

Finally it was 8pm and it was time for the show to be broadcast live! During the pre-recorded parts, we just had to watch it on the giant background screens. We were then told when the commercials were on.

When the commercials were over and it was time to go live, we had to cheer really loud as all the contestants were introduced and came out one by one. Dom, the host then announced who made it through. I have to admit I didn't really care as long as Gap 5 were safe!

The live performances were played after the break, before we returned live to watch the final two perform. The judges then announced who they wanted to leave, and the announcement was greeted with boos (as expected).

After the show when we got home, I rewatched the show and have to admit everything sounded better live! I always complain about how bad the contestants on these singing shows sound when watching and listening to them on TV, but you can't really tell when you're actually there.

As for Hamish's and my five seconds of fame...

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