Saturday 8 June 2013

Not Again, Calum

Woops. I was meant to get back into blogging ever since my internship ended and I had a lot of free time on my hands (that's what happens when you have no job, right? Or you work and don't have to study anymore?)

Well, ever since I signed up for postgrad, it's been hovering over my head on my days off work! I may end up procrastinating, leaving all my assignments till the last minute, but up till that point I don't end up doing anything as I feel guilty for not doing my assignments, which includes blogging! As you can see, it's a vicious cycle.

Anyway, I only have one more presentation to go next Saturday, and my work hours have been cut by a day, so it'll be the opposite for me. Two days of work, then five day weekend! It's probably time to look for more work...

I'll have to try update my blog a bit more frequently, and fill in the gaps from over the last two months!

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