Wednesday 30 June 2010

Meeting the Relatives

I have to say that this was probably the least exciting day at the hospital. This morning Aunty Jill drove me to Princess Margaret Hospital, which specialises in orthopedic care (hips, fractures, old people stuff) as well as some psychiatric care such as anorexia.

When I got there, Joanne was already there as usual. We were introduced to all the pharmacists. They then gave us the details of one patient’s case for one of our workbook activities where we had to analyse her situation, the drug medications she was on and come up with some questions we would ask her in an interview we would be having with her in an hour and a half’s time.

The supervising pharmacist came back just in time to lead us to the patient in another room where we had a bit of a conversation with her, asking her some questions about her medication. She was really nice! Due to patient confidentiality I can’t disclose any of it here.

After the interview we went back to the office where we were left to make sense of all the information and devise a care plan for her. Let’s just say the case was quite confusing and I don’t think the pharmacists knew what was required of us!

They sort of left us to our own devices for the rest of the day. They met up with us just before it was time for us to go though, just to see if we were on the right track. We left even more confused as to what we were meant to do!

Joanne and I waited at the bus stop just outside the front of the hospital until she caught her bus. Before her bus came though, some 12-13 year old Maori boy with a guitar came over to us and asked if we smoked. When Joanne said she didn’t smoke, he went over to the people beside us and asked if they had a cigarette he could exchange for a song. The lady told him she started smoking at his age and it

“F---d me up!”

While I was waiting for Aunty Sally (Aunty Jill’s sister) to pick me up from the hospital to take to Aunty Jill’s house, I had a little walk beside the river. It was quite chilly that afternoon outside! I was amazed at how it didn't stop many people from walking their dog, jogging or just cycling outside!

It eventually got too cold for me and I took shelter in the hospital foyer till my aunty, uncle and cousins Amanda, Samantha and their friend came.

We got to Aunty Jill’s house where I got to meet Richard (Aunty Jill’s son – I’m sleeping in his bedroom!), Alice, Aunty Gayle (Aunty Sally and Aunty Jill’s older sister), Uncle Warren and a few other relatives. We all had some really nice food that some of the relatives had cooked, including lasagne, roast pork and potatoes and vegetables. All of us younger relatives sat together eating while the aunties and uncles talked amongst themselves at the table.

Dessert was the second course that had been nicely cooked by Alice! There were chocolate brownies, ice-cream and feijoa crumble.

We ate that as we checked out some photos and videos of Alice’s recent holiday to Tahiti before we went to the lounge to play some cards. They taught me a new game called 500 which took quite a while to get my head around!

They all eventually had to leave and after they did, I went back into my bedroom to try finish off my care plan but I was so tired I just fell asleep!

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