Wednesday 3 February 2010

A Year's Worth of Change

While I was delivering newspapers earlier today, I was just thinking about Waitangi Day last year when I was at home lying on the couch recovering from my surgery while my brothers were out with the youth group, and it made me realise it was exactly a year since my surgery! This time last year I was lying in Middlemore Hospital with my jaw tied shut.

Fortunately in the past year my jaw has healed completely, and except for some minor problems like jaw pain, the recovery is pretty much complete. 

I spent all day scanning old family photos into the computer and going through some old photos, and it's amazing (and sometimes cringe-worthy) noticing how my face has changed all these years! I my crossbite has been quite obvious in the past few years, and when I was about 15-16 years old my face was really red and completely covered in pimples! 

Fortunately now I've got a normal jaw and my jaw is relatively normal, which I'm very thankful for! 

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