Thursday 18 February 2010

Last Catch-Up

Originally I wasn't going to, but after some last minute planning and negotiation I caught up with my good friend Diane for breakfast this morning in the city for one last time before she goes back down to Palmerston North for uni this weekend. 

We, or maybe just I, had breakfast at McDonald's while she just had a coffee or whatever you call one of those drinks, and we just sat around talking for a while. Originally we had planned to go to the park to just sit around and talk, but the weather was quite grey and it was spitting slightly so we just spent a bit more time at McDonald's before we decided we'd leave.

We went over to the nearby pharmacy for her to buy a few things while I spent the time revising drug names and ingredients (how useful!).

The weather wasn't too bad then, so we decided we might walk over to the AUT quad to sit and talk, but I then reconsidered and decided we'd go one better and head over to Auckland University! Usually whenever we meet up and I suggest something or somewhere we could do or go, she always says she's already done that, but I guess no one had bothered to take her around our uni and show her, so I showed her our flash Business School and we just sat outside for a while till it started spitting and we walked to Albert Park and just sat and talked for a while. It started spitting again so we headed back down to Queen Street where she met up with another friend who she was going to have lunch with.

I went to the bus stop to catch the bus and caught up with one of my friends Zahir who I always seem to meet up with at the bus stop!

It was actually a good catch up with Diane this time, as we didn't have any of the awkwardness like past catch-ups, and we talked quite a bit! I think our fresh start actually worked! Too bad I won't be seeing her again for another year.

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