Thursday 24 October 2013

Feel the Power!

So it looks like I officially own a part of Meridian Energy, but maybe more than I wanted!

I applied for some shares on the website the day before the share offer, and put in the bank account number of my savings account.

It wasn't till the next morning when I contacted the bank just to double check something that I discovered that the savings account I entered wasn't suitable. When I asked them what I should do, they told me to just make another application with a different bank account number and the first application would just get declined. Apparently this was a common issue with the last Mighty River Power share offer.

I did that, but then the following day I discovered the amount of money from both applications had been taken from my bank account!

I soon got an email from the bank saying that usually the savings account I entered in my first share application doesn't usually allow direct debits, but they made an exception for everyone just this once.

Now I've got twice as many shares as I would have liked! Meridian Energy, you better perform well!

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Pushing It

I've been to the gym for the past four out of five days, which has surprised even me! I never realised I'd actually commit to it and turn it into a routine!

After I had my one hour session with the trainer last Wednesday, I didn't return to the gym till Saturday because of work. Since then (excluding Sunday because of church!), I've been coming in every morning for at least an hour to work out. I've got to admit I've been feeling a little sore and tired afterwards (falling asleep in the afternoons!), but it's worth it!

It really has been making me feel more upbeat and happy, and it feels great that my body is getting a workout!

I bumped into my trainer again yesterday while I was working out, who said he had seen me working out and encouraged me to keep it up. He then introduced me to the abdominal crunch machine. Hopefully that'll give me some abs!

Today I had another session with the trainer, doing some cardio. Boy was I wasted afterwards! I really should take a 'before' photo so I can keep track of any progress and hopefully notice any difference.

The trainer wants me to keep a diary of everything I eat :O Fortunately he wants me to start next week, so I might spend the last few days enjoying unhealthy food! Or maybe not...

Beach body beach body beach body!

Saturday 12 October 2013

I Shall Call Him King Kong and He Shall Be Mine

A few weeks ago I decided I wanted to grow a plant.

At the time I bought a pack of sunflower seeds. They were nicknamed 'King Kong' as they could apparently grow as tall as 5m!

Knowing me, I procrastinated and did nothing about it. Well, today I was quite bored and was about to walk to the nearby park and chill when I realised I still hadn't planted my seeds!

It was time to get my hands dirty! I found a large pot, filled it with some potting mix and planted a few seeds.

Surprisingly the seeds were blue! The pack does say they're not genetically modified though...

And all done! King Kong will soon be mine!

Friday 11 October 2013

A Second Farewell

Today was the last day of regular work at my pharmacy, which made it slightly sad. I've been working at Apollo doing the afternoon till evening shifts on Thursdays and Fridays for most of this past year, as well as covering for people when needed. That has seen me work a few Saturday and Sunday afternoons as well.

I guess the farewell wasn't as sad as there was a sense of deja vu, since I had farewelled everyone at the end of my internship last year. They also might call me back to do some work when some of the pharmacists go on holiday in the coming months...that's if I haven't found another job before then!

I will miss working there regularly though. Working three days initially then two days a week worked out OK for me. I admit that working Friday nights meant I'd come late to youth group, but I had gotten used to it and adjusted to it. I actually enjoyed working Thursday and Friday nights with Moses, the intern as you get a bit more freedom and can also test yourself since you have to rely on yourself when you're the only pharmacist in charge there.

I'll miss everyone!

As everyone was leaving around 6pm, they were all saying their goodbyes to me and joking that the next time they see me I'll hopefully have muscles! My manager who has been pushing me to get my full license all year, then reminded me that I still hadn't gotten my full license yet! Oops! Well next time they see me, hopefully I'll have a license and muscles! My manager reckons the license may be easier for me to get than the muscles!

Once I finish my postgraduate study in a months' time, I'm not too sure what I'm going to do with myself till my next job comes about! I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the next chapter has in store for me. I have to admit I'm a little apprehensive, seeing as whatever job it may be, it will be the first job I wouldn't hve done my internship at, so it will be a little different. It will be a good challenge for me though, and I guess it will help me grow further as a pharmacist.

Thanks for everything though, Pharmacy@Apollo! I won't forget you guys!

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Beach Body Here I Come

This morning I had my complementary one hour session with Monty, my personal trainer. He took me through some warm-up cardio exercises, along with some workouts using machines that would work my front and back, my biceps and triceps, as well as my abs.

My main goals at the gym are to get some abs, improve my posture (I hunch over too much) and to get some muscles!

The last time I joined a gym was the uni gym, and I didn't commit to it at all, only going there three times in the space of a year.

This time I'm going to do it right, and as my trainer has repeated to me to motivate me...


Wednesday 2 October 2013

Oh I Donated?

I just received this in the mail:'re welcome? I don't think I've ever made any donations to them!