Thursday 18 April 2013

Let's Move On

I don't really know what to think about same-sex marriages becoming legal. I understand where those for same-sex marriages are coming from and I respect that, but due to my beliefs and my background, I have to admit to feeling a little uneasy about the whole issue and debate.

To be honest, I haven't been very impressed with either side. Both have been quite hostile, attacking and denigrating each other. It hasn't been very pretty. OK, so some people are gay, but they shouldn't be bashed for that. Some people believe in God. They and their beliefs shouldn't be bashed for that either.

I favoured the option of having a referendum, where everyone would have the opportunity to have say, not just MP's, many who weren't even directly elected by us (i.e. those list MP's). When it's a conscience vote, who do these MP's represent, themselves or the people?

Congratulations to all those who won, and commiserations to those who lost. Hopefully everyone will show a bit more respect for one another from now on!

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