Saturday 13 April 2013

Happy (Early) Birthday Steven!

Tonight after uni my brothers joined some of the older guys from our church youth group for dinner at Hak Ka Hut Restaurant in Albany to celebrate Stephen's upcoming birthday!

We had a table at the back of the restaurant. Stephen's mum and sister were the only girls at the table. They did all the ordering, but that was fine because the food was quite nice!

We had some beans, fried to-fu, beef, fish...I'll let the photos do the talking!

Once we had finished eating, it was time to bring out the cake!

After all of us took heaps of photos of the cake, it was time to sing Happy Birthday to Stephen, and eat the cake! Let me tell you, it tasted good!

Stephen, Wei and Cham soon had to leave for a movie while the rest of us headed home. I have a presentation to prepare for tomorrow morning which I haven't...started....

Happy birthday once again, Stephen and thanks for inviting us to dinner!

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