Tuesday 23 April 2013

Getting Back into the Groove

I haven't attended dancing with the aunties at church since last year because of various commitments and...sleeping in...but I decided to make an appearance again today after Rebecca said she was going.

I have to admit it was quite a workout! I was sweating by the end of it, not to mention the stitch I got from drinking too much water throughout.

There were quite a few women who turned out today, and surprisingly one guy! He must've been someone's husband. He approached me afterwards, thanking me for not making him the only guy there as he was feeling a little lonely, and said he hoped I'd come again next week! haha

While having morning tea (besides being challenged to eat wasabi covered biscuit by Rebecca), a lady came over to talk to me about getting her daughter to attend our youth group. They just arrived in NZ six months ago, and her daughter's English isn't too good yet, and so she'd like her to come to our youth group to improve her English. It looks like we'll have a new friend this Friday!

Joylynn joined us for morning tea. She didn't do dancing as she had been helping out at the kindy today. I think she's getting some experience to put on her CV.

Everyone started leaving as I played with some of the kids. Soon everyone was gone, except for Rebecca, her brother David and me, just playing some 'Guess the Logo' game on my phone. My mum had went to the hospital with a few other aunties to visit one of their friends. Rebecca's parents had bought them lunch, and kindly invited me to join them! Thanks Liao family!

Eventually my parents came back and we went home. I just crashed on the couch! All that dancing must've taken its toll on me!

Oh, and this is something we created at church today for Joanna's birthday (one of the girls at church)

In case you were wondering, the hearts are not from me. Rebecca designed this! And yes I know, I know....I got the 'J' around the wrong way!

Thursday 18 April 2013

Let's Move On

I don't really know what to think about same-sex marriages becoming legal. I understand where those for same-sex marriages are coming from and I respect that, but due to my beliefs and my background, I have to admit to feeling a little uneasy about the whole issue and debate.

To be honest, I haven't been very impressed with either side. Both have been quite hostile, attacking and denigrating each other. It hasn't been very pretty. OK, so some people are gay, but they shouldn't be bashed for that. Some people believe in God. They and their beliefs shouldn't be bashed for that either.

I favoured the option of having a referendum, where everyone would have the opportunity to have say, not just MP's, many who weren't even directly elected by us (i.e. those list MP's). When it's a conscience vote, who do these MP's represent, themselves or the people?

Congratulations to all those who won, and commiserations to those who lost. Hopefully everyone will show a bit more respect for one another from now on!

Saturday 13 April 2013

Happy (Early) Birthday Steven!

Tonight after uni my brothers joined some of the older guys from our church youth group for dinner at Hak Ka Hut Restaurant in Albany to celebrate Stephen's upcoming birthday!

We had a table at the back of the restaurant. Stephen's mum and sister were the only girls at the table. They did all the ordering, but that was fine because the food was quite nice!

We had some beans, fried to-fu, beef, fish...I'll let the photos do the talking!

Once we had finished eating, it was time to bring out the cake!

After all of us took heaps of photos of the cake, it was time to sing Happy Birthday to Stephen, and eat the cake! Let me tell you, it tasted good!

Stephen, Wei and Cham soon had to leave for a movie while the rest of us headed home. I have a presentation to prepare for tomorrow morning which I haven't...started....

Happy birthday once again, Stephen and thanks for inviting us to dinner!

Monday 8 April 2013

Old Already?

I didn't realise Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 is already outdated..