Saturday 16 February 2013

Warm Fuzzies

Tonight for youth group, Andrew, Wei and Rebecca were organising activities for us!

Andrew started off the night playing a game in the hall where we had to pass a small ball to each other. If we were passed the ball, we would have to name one person from another fellowship we met last week, and two facts about them. I got passed the ball first, and named Dannie, my pharmacist friend (that was pretty easy!)

The next game was organised by Wei. We were split into three groups. We had to complete these random tasks, such as hug 10 people, find several objects that were pink, or blue, or plastic, declare to several people that we love them, act out a way to declare your love for another without using the word 'love'...(you can get the overall theme!) For each task completed, we were given a clue to the code, which was a Bible verse. In our group, Jenny was was tasked with cracking that code!

The final activity organised by Rebecca was quite cool. We were each given a piece of paper, asked to write our name on top of it, then pass it around the circle for each person to write a nice message on, in the spirit of Valentine's Day. Some wrote ...interesting messages on others' pieces of paper, while I started to cause a backlog as I tried writing something meaningful!

Eventually we each got our pieces of paper back. They were really nice comments! 

Thanks guys, I really appreciate it! It's nice to hear once in a while (or just to get that reassurance) that people appreciate you!

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