Wednesday 13 February 2013


I was asked to work again at the pharmacy today till late, which meant I would be working sole charge for the last two hours of the evening before closing up. Fortunately I was with one of the technicians, so I had a bit of back-up just in case!

I had one interesting customer. She had prescriptions for her daughter. We got her medicine ready, and I brought them out to her. I was explaining the medicines to her, when she told me that she knew all about them as she was a dentist.

As I was scanning all the items she wanted, she asked me,

"Oh, and do you sell snake skin oil?"

My first thought was hmmmmm...that sounds a bit weird. Maybe it's just some natural product. I turned to the shop girl and asked if we sold it, and as she was about to type it into the computer to look it up, the dentist mother shouted out


And couldn't stop herself from laughing! She said I had made her day, and couldn't wait to tell her doctor friends! She kept laughing as she walked out with her daughter!

I'm getting better work stories everyday!

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