Sunday 1 April 2012

A New Perspective

Tonight a group of us from our church decided to attend another church's service just to see how things are done elsewhere.

We decided to attend Church Unlimited's evening service at 6pm. We were each welcomed as we entered, with them shaking our hands. There were three large projection screens in the hall, video cameras everywhere, including a crane upstairs, and a countdown clock to the start of the service!

There was quite a big band on stage playing with a lot of energy. They had a live feed on the screens with the lyrics to the songs as they sung. Everyone in the congregation was standing, singing with passion.

After a few songs, there were a few videos on the projection screen about a recent conference they had, some people gave testimonies and the pastor gave a little talk about the significance of the conference.

The service ended and everyone went outside for a free sausage sizzle. By then it had started raining lightly but that was OK!

We went to McDonald's after to have some food and discuss what we had seen and how we could learn from what we had seen. We've got to keep it real though, and realise our church is more traditional and we don't have as many people.

It is really interesting to experience how other churches do things though, and just to see how they praise God. I might just attend another one of their services!

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