Sunday 14 June 2009

Suppressing Those Feelings!

Sigggghh.....BIG sigh......

I just had my first exam this morning, it was MEDSCI303, or in other words Pharmacology. I've had a week of study leave to prepare for it as well as all the other exams coming up, so I've been trying to balance my time (which I'm not good at). Originally I had planned on studying hard out at the library or somewhere where I could concentrate and hopefully not fall asleep, but the bad weather has left me stuck at home (we've had the fireplace going too!), so I've had to contend with studying with all those distractions like the TV and family around me.

I've been a little worried about MEDSCI as sometimes the questions can be a little tricky, especially the calculations. During our ten minutes reading time prior to the exam though, I looked through the paper and thought...this is do-able!!!

I managed to write a bit for most of the questions, except for two questions that were worth 20 marks each though, which I'm a little worried about. The last question in the exam also caused me a bit of worry as well, as I was using this equation that featured pKa - pH, and I started to question myself, wondering... is it supposed to be pKa - pH or pH - pKa? I was starting to get a little tense but decided to go with pKa - pH, my gut instinct. As soon as the exam was over I checked and it was right! Phew! While I feel good about being able to answer most questions...I've got to remind myself about those two 20 mark questions. I hope I've done enough to pass though!

After my exam today though I caught up with a couple of my second year pharmacy friends. I ended up having a bit of a moan (to use the nicest word I can think of!) session with Scholastica about how much we were fed up with pharmacy, and I think it has kinda let all those negative feelings I've had towards pharmacy that I've been supressing all come flooding out again! I've been spending the night trying to study as well as fight off all those questions I have about why I'm even studying pharmacy in the first place!

To be honest in the past several weeks I haven't been finding pharmacy too bad, and some of the stuff I've learnt I've actually found interesting. I guess it's just a case of enjoying it when you're coping, and hating it when you're not, and maybe it's just the pressure of exams that is doing me in! I'm sure I'll get over this. Remember Calum you're doing it for the graduation teddy bear!

On a completely unrelated but more brighter note, yay for my friend Jenny from youth group who made it to the semifinals of the NZ Chamber Music Contest Auckland District Semifinals with her chamber group tomorrow afternoon! Let's all wish her the best!

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