Tuesday 30 June 2009

An EGGScellent Concert!

On Friday night my youth group and I attended the Epsom Girls Grammar School's music concert to support two of our group members Jenny and Cleo. Jenny is the concert master of her school's symphonia orchestra while Cleo plays the big bass drum in the orchestra. Originally Aonghas, Hamish and I would be joining our youth group to watch, but our mum decided to come at the last minute as she was concerned about Aonghas's ability to drive safely in wet conditions at night!

We initially had problems finding carparking and got stuck in a big jam in the school's driveway. We managed to turn the car around and head back out towards the exit of the driveway, with people in cars heading in the opposite direction asking us if all the carparks had been taken up. Poor people!

There was only about 10 minutes till the start of the show and we were still looking for a carpark, so we all jumped out while Aonghas and my mum went to find one. I went to try buy a ticket for my mum (tickets for our youth group had been pre-purchased) but it was all sold out! This other guy we had taken with us hadn't bought a ticket either! Fortunately not too long after everyone had entered the theatre there were either some spare seats or they had added extra seats. Big phew!

I managed to get a seat right at the the top, right at the back of the theatre. This was a good position as there was a railing and I'd be able to lean on it as I filmed the show! I was next to a girl from the school who was filming with the school's camera. She saw me and asked

"Hey you're from Jenny's fellowship aye?"

I told her I was and asked her how she knew. She said,

"Oh I met your brother at Polyfest earlier this year."

I had to tell her that it was me she met! Wow did she think I looked older?

The show started off with a couple of jazz and stage bands performing, one from the school and one from another school, Sancta Maria College, who were guest artists. There were some quite catchy tunes, and I was amazed at just how many brass musicians a girls' school has!

The Epsom Symphonia, the group our youth group had come to see finally performed just before the break. They performed two pieces, 'Dance of the Clowns' by Mendelssohn, and 'Danzon No. 2' by Marquez.

Jenny, as the concert master, came on stage last and tuned the orchestra like a true pro. What was funny was that straight after Peter Thomas was announced as the conductor, Jenny walked on stage! I'll probably call her Peter from now on!

The orchestra was pretty huge, especially when you compare it to what we've been used to at Rangeview, which is an orchestra of 10-13 people!

Cleo was all the way in the back corner with the percussionists. I could just see her!

The orchestra's performances were pretty good, and Jenny even had her own little solo in the middle of 'Danzon', their second piece! Go Jenny!! I heard some of our youth group attempted a Mexican wave but failed. If only I was with them so I could join in!

During the break I met up with this new girl in our youth group who only recently came to New Zealand and is learning English. I'm going to get her to help me with my Chinese and I'll try help her with her English!

The most of the second half of the show was made up of performances by concert bands from both schools, ending with a combined concert band performing music from the 'Chronicles of Narnia' movie.

To end the night in true Oddfellows fashion, we hijacked the foyer to take a group photo!

It's always really cool going to support someone you know, and it sorta makes you proud seeing them on stage doing so well, and being able to say you know them too! ;)

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