Tuesday 2 July 2013

Boring Being Alone

You know, when I first found out I'd only be working two days a week and have the rest of the week off, I thought sweeeet free time!

However, when you're all alone and you've got no one to enjoy that free time with, then it's not so cool...

I've got to say, today was a pretty boring day! Both of my brothers and my dad were at work, and my mum went out. That left me all by myself. I had to get a few things sorted so I walked down to the bank, and once that was done I just wandered the mall and the shops.

We have a youth group camp coming up in three weeks' time, and I'm kinda organising it. I'm in charge of camp concert and helping organise the Friday night discussion. So far I'm struggling for ideas! They will probably come eventually. I was hoping that by wandering in some shops I'd pick up a few ideas.

I kinda feel a bit under pressure, as I really don't want to let down the youth group and want to make sure the camp runs smoothly, everyone has fun and it all goes well. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing everything myself though and get overwhelmed a little! I guess at least it gives me something to focus on right now. I don't know what I'll be doing with myself after it's all over, probably looking for another project!

One thing I did realise as I wandered around West City today was that I really need to get out more! Ever since I took up the pharmacy job in Albany, I haven't really been out in the city or at the shops much. My social life seems to revolve around church. I really need to catch up with old friends and meet some new friends too!

I guess I have a lot more free time to do that now...

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