Tuesday 11 September 2012

I Guess I'm A Global Parent Again

I just got a phone call from an Australian number, which turned out to be a guy from UNICEF asking if I'd like to reconsider donating to them again (I did for a few months before I stopped just before the end of my last job).

I tried telling him that my current job is almost over and so my financial future is a little uncertain, but in the end got sucked in once again and agreed to donate $15 a month for the next few months!

I gave him my card number and expiry date, and that was that.

It was only after I hung up that I realised..what..did..I..just..do?! I don't even know this guy, and how do I even know he really was from UNICEF?! He could've been an imposter, out to get all my money!

I quickly rang up UNICEF NZ and double-checked, and fortunately he was genuine. The moral of the story kids, is to think before you act!

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