Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Years 2014!

Happy New Year Everyone!

I can't believe how fast this year has passed by! Everything like Christmas and New Years just crept up in the past few weeks. I really don't know where all the time has gone!

If I was to sum up 2013, it would be that this was the year I got baptised, worked part time as a pharmacist and continued studying pharmacy. 

It's been a long time since Ada, a previous pastor and Sunday School teacher at our church encouraged us brothers to get baptised. Slightly over ten years later, we actually went through with it! I sometimes forget that I did get baptised, only because I've been a Christian for so long that I just keep thinking it was a while ago that I got baptised!

I also never thought I'd end up continuing studying pharmacy! I had a bit of a rough time studying a Bachelors of Pharmacy, and to imagine myself doing a Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Pharmacy would be crazy! 

In the first few weeks of doing it, I kept asking myself, what am I doing? I have no idea how I'm going to make it to the end of this, I want to quit! I ended up making it all the way to the end, and I'm so glad I didn't quit! 

I also took a chance and went down to Taupo for a week to do some locum pharmacy work, and while initially anxious about it, I am extremely glad I went down for the experience!

I always get the feeling I didn't accomplish much in 2013, but when I think about it, a lot actually happened and I did actually accomplish quite a bit!

My main goal for 2014 is to start taking risks, going out there and getting things done, not shying away from a challenge. This will be the only way for me to grow and to move forward/upwards! I have to not be afraid of failure and to just keep trying. That's the first step in living a life without regret!

My blogging this year has been quite inconsistent, so you'll see it featuring in my New Year's resolutions for this year, so once again here we go!

- = Calum's 2013 New Years' Resolutions = -

(In no particular order, and roughly the same as last year)

1. Find a girlfriend (nothing to see here, same as before)
FAIL - A could do better here, and actually make an effort.

2. Make two new or closer friends
YES - I've gotten to know Joanna, Wei and Tsun Hei pretty well

3. Find a job 
YES - I did regular locum work at the pharmacy I completed my internship at, which saw me working at least two days a week till the end of October. I do have to find another job now though 

4. Choose what to study at uni and complete it
YES - I ended up choosing to study for a Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Pharmacy and actually completed it against the odds!

5. Participate in some organisation such as a volunteer organisation etc.
FAIL - Didn't join any new group!

6. Join some cultural activity/group/social group
FAIL - Same as above!

7. Pick up the accordion again and start practising a bit more regularly
FAIL - Still haven't touched it all year!

8. Clean the house!
FAIL - The house is still a mess

9. Sign up for and take Chinese classes
FAIL - Didn't get around to doing it

10. Learn and practise another musical instrument more regularly
YES - Does the cajon count? I've been playing it this year as they need it for the English worship band

11. Sit a music theory exam
FAIL - Once again didn't do it

12. Get my full driver's license
FAIL - I did have one driving lesson, but the instructor pretty much told me the Mitsubishi Lancer we have would fail before I even sit the test as it is too boyracer-like!

13. Travel to at least one overseas destination, and one local destination outside of Auckland
PARTLY YES - Did not travel overseas, but I did visit Rotorua with the family early in the year, and went down to Taupo in November for a week to work

14. Give my baptism testimony in Chinese
FAIL - I gave the first sentence of it in Chinese, but due to time constraints and a few issues I had to do it in English :(

15. Get baptised
YES - Finally got baptised in Easter! About time!

16. Be more mature
UM - Possibly not...I'm not too sure!

17. Go for regular runs and try to lose the fat (maybe enter Round the Bays!)
YES - I'm going to say yes because I joined the gym a couple months ago and manage to go regularly for a month! I haven't been for the past two weeks, but Christmas is a very busy time ;)

18. Attend a fellowship at another church or visit another church
YES - I've attended a few Church Unlimited services as well as City Impact's Christmas Eve service which was cool to see how they did things. I didn't get a chance to attend a fellowship at another church though.

19. Build up Anbro!
PARTLY YES - We filmed a few weddings and a school Chinese performance. It was more or less the same as last year though.

So my overall score is 7/19 resolutions achieved = MUST DO BETTER.

OK, so now time for this year's New Years Resolutions!

- = Calum's 2013 New Years' Resolutions = -

1. Get a girlfriend (same as before!)
2. Get my full license
3. Get a full time job
4. Get another qualification
5. Go to the gym regularly and GET THAT SUMMER BODY
6. Travel to at least one destination overseas
7. Hang around more people my age
8. Find another social group or organisation to get involved with
9. Sit the HSK Chinese exam
10. Sit a music theory exam
11. Pick up the piano accordion again
12. Make another two more close friends
13. Blog more regularly!
14. Be more adventurous
15. Take greater risks/Step outside my comfort zone
16. Do not rely on others 
17. Do not be as open about my feelings etc. i.e. BE MORE MANLY
18. Keep in touch with old friends and catch up with them more

The last few are quite obscure, but hopefully they'll all make me a stronger, more independent person! I may update this as time goes if I feel the need to, but anyway...

Bring on 2014! 

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