Tuesday 17 September 2013

Pub Quiz Round Two

Tonight I went with Chen for another round of pub quiz at The Dominion. This time around Hamish couldn't come along because of work, and Chen brought along Rose, his girlfriend.

Jenny and Michael, two of Chen's med school friends were back tonight, along with two new people, Anna, another med school friend and another guy who I think is a medical registrar. I didn't actually get his name!

This time around we had rounds such as 'Branded', 'Music', '50/50', 'It Takes Two to Tango'. I didn't feel as though I contributed as much this time around, but we seemed to do a bit better! At one point we were coming second!

We eventually settled for sixth place, which was a definite improvement over last week's 15th...ish.

The most amusing thing tonight thought was that our team name was meant to be called 'The Grand Round', but when we showed up, we saw the sign at our table

"The Glam Round"

Um.....but hey, I think it could actually catch on!

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