Thursday 26 July 2012

Didn't Need so See the Dr Afterall!

I decided that it's about time I visit the doctor, seeing as I haven't seen one in years, and I really just want to make sure all my bits and pieces are working properly. I have a whole list of things I want to get checked:
- Blood Pressure
- Cholesterol
- See if I have Parkinson's
- Acne
- Persistent cough
- Possible hair loss
- Dry skin
- Stock up on Paracetamol

I asked my mum to book an appointment with my family doctor yesterday, and she told me that we could just walk in this afternoon for an appointment. That was odd but...OK.

This afternoon we showed up and the nurse first called me over to get some details off me. She asked me what was wrong and I said there wasn't really anything wrong with me. When I told her I was here just for a check-up, she said today was more just for people who couldn't make appointments to see the doctor for a certain thing. Uh oh!

i decided just to focus on my persistent cough. I'm pretty sure it's a post-nasal drip! When I got to see the doctor, I told her that originally I was thinking of getting just a regular check-up and that there's not actually anything really that wrong with me, and she told me the same thing the nurse told me.

In the end, I came away with a steroid nasal spray for my persistent cough/possible post-nasal drip. The doctor also recommended I get regular exercise (is she implying something?) and despite trying to see if she could prescribe something for my acne, all she told me was that it's hereditary for some people and can persist into the 20's.

The nasal spray is only partially funded, and I guess I could've bought it without a prescription. Even though I know the pharmacist who works at the neighbouring pharmacy, I didn't let the other pharmacist know I was an intern, and just let her instruct me on how to use it. I suppose getting the nasal spray on prescription and buying it outright would cost roughly the same in the end anyway.

The doctor did give me a piece of paper that would allow for me to get some blood tests done if that is some consolation.

Early Olympic Action

The Olympics Opening Ceremony may be a couple days away but I thought I'd get in on the Olympics action early by getting up very early this morning to watch the NZ Football Ferns (women's football team) take on Great Britain.

I only woke up for the last twenty minutes when it was still nil-all. I left the room for a second only to return to Great Britain leading by one point! 

With one minute remaining, it's not looking like a good start to the Olympics! This has been a good experience for me though, being the first time I've actually watched women's football on TV! Then again, how often do we get any sport on free-to-air TV these days?

Saturday 21 July 2012

Phone Upgrade!

After being told that it would take about a week or two for my phone to get fixed, I decided I better find another phone to use till then. I've already had to go two days without texting (I know...WOW)!

We do have a few spare phones at home, like my ancient K800i or the even more ancient Nokia brick, but the problem is we don't have chargers for them! My old HTC Desire is currently sitting there unused ever since Aonghas upgraded, but he hasn't reset it yet.

In the end, I went for the quickest and cheapest option. Introducing the $29 Samsung GT-E1081T!

My third phone in two years...

Friday 6 July 2012

Hanging out with Kids

Today I spent the whole day at the youth pastor's house hanging out with his (and a few other) children. It has been a couple of weeks since I started work at my new job, and the kids miss me! Awwww.

I got there this morning with my mum, who had spent the morning baking. It was the first time I've been to his new house. Glenna, the eldest daughter got me to teach her a bit on the violin. I used to teach her violin and recorder, as well as teaching her younger brother Enoch and his friend Tommy the recorder.

After a while, Harris and Tommy, two brothers from church, came over with their mum to join us. We had some lunch that the mums had made. There was some really nice food there - mini doughnuts, chicken nuggets..mmm.....

I was surprised at how eager the kids were to play Scrabble! Of course there were a few changes to the rules, but I could live with that!

We had to keep Ebenezer (the youngest) away from the board just in case he kicked all the pieces away though! He seemed to really like women's shoes for some reason!

 The next game was Monopoly! Oh no...Monopoly is never a short game! These guys though were ruthless, buying up all the property and building hotels on them! Tommy was kind enough to lend me some money though! 

The kids eventually got bored and it was time for Hide and Seek. We all took turns hiding. I have to say the good hiding spots were limited, especially when you're confined to upstairs rooms and are too big to fit in all those little holes that the kids can get into! Let's just say the toilet is a bad place to hide!

I was still there in the evening, and so they kindly fed me dinner! It was some Chinese food but it tasted pretty good!

It was getting late and I had to go off to youth group soon. It was fun haging out with the kids today though! I definitely didn't feel 23 today!