Friday 30 March 2012

A Little Good Luck!

After youth group tonight, Grace gave me this little good luck charm. I'm not too sure what the Chinese characters say, but everyone who has read it seems to laugh! 

Apparently it's to give me good luck in finding me a girlfriend! haha 

Let's see if it works its magic! Thanks heaps Grace!!

Painful Activities

Tonight was birthday night at youth group, and I had volunteered to organise activities for the group. The only thing was I couldn't think of anything! I ended up coming up with the idea of having a relay night, where we split the youth group into three groups and make them compete in a series of relays!

After Gabrielle led worship, it was time for Ben and me to lead the games! We split everyone up into three groups and herded them into the foyer where there was more space.

The first game was called the Tunnel relay, where members of each team had to form a tunnel with their bodies. The person at the back had to crawl under the tunnel to the front and rejoin the tunnel, and then the next person at the back would go ahead. Once a team had gotten through everyone in its team they won.

After a false start, team two won! Quite a few people disappeared after that game, and I didn't realise that they were all patching themselves up from the carpet burns they got!

The next game was the classic egg in the spoon race, using those small KFC spoons to carry a hard-boiled egg. I was a little worried they weren't boiled enough as my mum just cooked them before we left. Fortunately despite some of them being dropped several times, they were definitely hard-boiled! Once again team two won, with a little bit of suspected cheating going on by team one!

The teams then had to do a race, where team members had to pair up, with each person holding the other person's leg. They had to get to the other side without letting their other foot touch the ground or else they'd have to start again. No surprises as to who two!

The next game involved each person to put a little cream on their noses. They had to pass a piece of cotton wool (or in this case fish tank filter material!) from one person to the next, using only their noses and the cream! I won't post too many photos of that activity as they're a little...wrong!

The teams then had to get on their knees, grab the person in front's ankles and form a caterpillar and make their way to the finish line first! Team two won again, and it was (I feel guilty for feeling this!) a little funny seeing everyone sitting on the floor rubbing their arms and knees! I didn't realise how painful it was till I saw some people were bleeding or had plasters on!

We still had a bit of time left, so I brought out the...LIE DETECTOR! I was going to get one volunteer from each team to try it and see who could answer the most questions, but after everyone watched Aonghas and I demonstrate (Aonghas didn't get shocked, but I did!), Karvin decided we better do something else! I think everyone got put off!

Everyone wanted to play Mafia, but not before they wanted me to have a little taste of my medicine! Everyone formed a U-shaped tunnel and got me to crawl underneath! I got a bit of carpet burn on my elbows and got stuck under a couple of the guys but it was kinda fun!

Mafia was a bit less painful and more dignified, even though I was accused of killing the second person in the game, who just happened to be Rebecca! Now why would I want to kill poor, innocent Rebecca?

We finished the night by celebrating birthdays from January to March which did include me. Grace baked a really yummy cake!

After tonight, I don't think they'll want me organising activity nights again!

Friday 16 March 2012


The odometer of the Mitsubishi Lancer we just got a few months ago reached a milestone just tonight on the way home from youth group.

It ticked over from 99999km


I think that means it's almost time to replace the car's cambelt sometime soon right?

Sunday 11 March 2012

Another One Jumps the Ditch

Tonight our mum's church group had a shared dinner at church to farewell one of their members who is moving over to Australia. 

I have to be honest and say I didn't actually know who she was and had never seen her at church before. 

We started off though with dinner. There was some rice, curry, vegetables, egg and mussels!

Afterwards we all sat around a circle, sang a few songs, did some sharing and then went around the circle wishing the lady well. 

No matter where she ends up hopefully she has a great life and that God continues to watch over her!

Drying Clothes the Old-Fashioned Way

I needed to wash my white shirts this weekend for work next week, but the weather has been pretty bad, and our dryer just doesn't work.

My dad came up with a way to dry them...

with the garden blower!

...that was until my mum shouted at him to stop...

Wednesday 7 March 2012

A Fia-Fia Fun Night

Tonight was the Fia Fia Night at St Dominic's College. Grace was in her school's Korean group, so a few of us decided to go watch her performance. 

Because I finished work at 5.30 and Aonghas finished class half an hour later, we'd have to rush back to Henderson to make it in time for the 7pm start. What happened next was a complete coincidence though! After Aonghas told me he had brought the car into the city and so I could go home with him if I waited, I came across Jenny sitting on a couch waiting for some friends. I sat with her for a while, and then Stephanie came along! She was waiting to go to her badminton club session. Next, Andrew came along, and then Cleo came along! Finally Aonghas came! It was like a mini-Oddfellows gathering!

Andrew and Cleo got a ride home with us, but we got stuck in traffic! After dropping them off, we went home to pick Hamish up and then went off to St Dominic's College. 

The Fia Fia Night was being held in their gym, and when we got there it had already started with all the seats taken and people standing by the door. We managed to creep in and stand around by the sides of the stand. We didn't have such a great view though!

We got to watch the school's Japanese dance group perform. The Korean group was finally about to perform, but they had some unexpected technical difficulties. I think it had something to do with the music. An announcement was made

'Grace, we need you'

After a while, the Samoan group ended up performing before the Korean group. Everyone was getting up and putting money in the performers' dresses! I bet some of them got rich after that performance!


Finally it was time for the Korean group to perform! There were shouts of 

"Shot Grace!"

I bet she became famous after that night!

Their performance was pretty cool and they looked good in their costumes. Someone called out mid-performance

"Worth the wait Korea, worth the wait!"

in reference to the technical difficulties causing the delays in their performance.

They were last to perform, so after their performance we met up with Tim, Gabrielle and Karvin, our youth group leaders, to say 'hi' and congratulate Grace on a great performance. 

Before heading home, us Anderson brothers couldn't resist having a little late night feed! 

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Touching Memory

Last night, Vanessa, the cousin I met for the very first time while in Hong Kong, sent me a photo which made me smile and feel all warm and gooey inside when I saw it this morning!

I really miss them and Hong Kong right now! I even had a dream last night about being back in Singapore, catching buses with my family trying to find some place called Pokemon World!