Sunday 30 August 2009

Making up the Month

Because so much time has past since I last posted, here's just a quick summary of things that have happened since:

- Uni...snore....because I have early mornings everyday and such large gaps between morning and afternoon classes, I've been taking naps in Philson Library!

- We've been given 'clickers' to use for one of our pharmacy papers! It's really cool as they put up a multiple choice question on the big screen and we select a letter with our clicker. A graph then shows up displaying how the class answered! It's funny because as soon as the answer is said the bars of the bar graph suddenly readjust, with the correct answer shooting up! We've only used the clickers once so far though.

- I've joined the MHSSSO (Medical Health Sciences Students Symphony Orchestra...they thought MHSSSO sounded better than MHSSO!), which is an orchestra one of the third year med students tried to get off the ground. We have rehearsals every Monday night, and I offered to play the viola (since there's usually a shortage of violists and I'd make it in out of need rather than choice!). This means I have to carry my viola around campus every Monday. It's proven to be a good conversation starter, despite everyone thinking it's a violin! I've missed two rehearsals though due to too much work and my over-nighter last night. We've got a performance coming week I think?

- We have a dispensing lab for our Pharmacy Practice paper in which we have to practise checking prescriptions and contacting patients and doctors to make sure they're correct, as well as printing out labels, counting pills and labelling the containers. Wow the tutors are so strict on how things are done! We had a practice assessment last week which had nine different stations with different tasks.

- 'Jesus Week' took place at uni. I didn't attend any of the events as I was up at Grafton, but a few of my friends attended the Atheists vs Christians debate (apparently the Christians wiped the floor clean!), and I did walk by on Friday afternoon after class. I managed to catch a glimpse of some Asians dancing to some slow Christian song, which was amusing. There was also this 'Prayer Station' and people wearing bibs offering to prayer for people (I think..). Good on them for getting out there and doing something!

- Our pharmacy students association (APSA) had an inter-year indoor soccer tournament. Our year which has some pretty die-hard soccer fans/players were hoping to take out the tournament this time round after failing to do so last year. I didn't get to go watch, but apparently we came oh so close to winning the final! Unfortunately the interns won with a controversial goal!
- Jireh and Andrew, two guys from our youth group who play for their schools' respective soccer teams finally faced each other! It was Rutherford vs Rangitoto! While I'd tend to remain neutral, being a Rutherford old-boy made me support Andrew slightly more! Unfortunately Rangitoto won by one goal, which was scored in the dying minutes of the game!

- Last week I was catching the bus home. I fell asleep, but when I woke up, our bus had pulled up beside another that was parked on the side of the road in Pt Chevalier. There was a man being attended to on the ground, while the front windscreen of the bus was smashed! The passengers of the bus got on our bus, and they were talking about how the man looked slightly intoxicated, walked onto the road and got hit by the bus! They sounded quite shocked and a little traumatised!
- I've been assigned this community pharmacy in Lincoln (out West Auckland) for three whole days during the upcoming holidays. This year we have to spend three full days at a community pharmacy! Nooooo!!!!! And I thought one day was enough! I'm also freaked out about it because I have to actually dispense six scripts and consult a patient or two! I'm not good at that stuff, as I can't remember anything! I really don't want to give the wrong advice and end up looking like a complete fool!

There is a lot more that has happened but I'll add to this post as I think of more...

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