Tuesday 21 September 2004

Well today's the third day of the holidays, and I haven't really done much. I had a school BOT meeting last night and it seems as tho my initiative of the school investing in a new formal uniform (navy blazer + navy trousers/skirts + red tie) is going to cost quite a lot.
Today I talked to my neighbour on the phone which helped us get in touch again after a little while although it lasted for about 2 hours and so I got a bit side-tracked.
Better get off to bed but will post tomorrow!

Saturday 18 September 2004

I played my first game for this basketball team called the Fuji Flyers. Everyone except for this guy and me were girls. Even though I was the new guy in the team and spent most of the time on the bench, the coach sent me on twice to play. Had a bit of trouble seeing though! I dont know if we won that game or lost but I probably won't be returning. The cost of playing a season is $49.99 so that ain't too cheap. With my younger brother wanting to play, I thought I'd rather pull out and let him play. I can still attend Monday night training sessions anyway.
School's finally finished and we've got holidays for two weeks. That'll allow me to catch up on some studying.

Tuesday 14 September 2004

Joined a basketball team...the worst in the league but there's opportunity for me to move on up to a better one if I'm good enough. Had to visit the dentist today. Now that was really painful! I oughta get a better toothbrush

Monday 13 September 2004

Got my exam results back. Achieved for biology, achieved for chemistry, merit for geology, merit for physics. Achieved for listening comp in Chinese, excellence for reading, merit for writing. Merit for history resource interp, merit for historical perspectives, achieved for historical essay. Merit for yr 12 alegbra, graphs, calculus, excellence for coordinate geometry, achieved for sequences. All pretty bad aye? I must b losing braincells at an incredibly high rate! Looks like I will go home empty at this year's prize-giving assembly. Funny how I did ok in yr 12 maths but i didnt study for it and then i stuffed everything else up that i DID study for. Its kinda been making me wonder whether there is any point in studying so hard anymore. All I can really do from this point on is to study harder for NCEA exams. What's still driving me is to make it into university, and when you're aiming to enter a limited entry subject (such as law) you can never guarantee that you will be good enough to get in so all you can do is aim for all excellences. OH WELL..... yr 11 maths, English and accounting still yet to get back, but can I really expect too much?

Only good thing I can get out of this day is that I got re-elected as student rep on the school BOT, getting 172 votes, with 2nd place getting 94 votes.

Saturday 11 September 2004

Well...exams are finally all over. I sat eight exams in five days-English, science, yr 11 maths, Chinese, Accounting, Yr 12 Maths Probability, Yr 12 maths and history, and boy am I finally relieved that they are all finished. I really did badly in them, mainly running out of time by overwriting. I suppose thats the problem with studying too much before exams-you just can't stop writing!. Gotta go off to bed, but will be back soon...

Friday 10 September 2004

Hey everyone my name is Calum. I live in New Zealand and thought I'd share to the world my life and point of view on absolutely anything at all, from why it was so stupid they put traffic lights right next to a round-about to what goes on at school and my personal life...if you really wanna know.